Technical Assistance Grant - Round 6
Grant Award Update:
In June 2023 the City of West Linn awarded 47 technical assistance grants to small business owners and non-profits in amounts varying between $1,000-$3,000. These awards were designed to give businesses technical assistance funds to help them grow and improve their operations. Some of the projects include: social media marketing, marketing plans, branding projects, logo redesign, new websites, CRM implementation and writing business plans. We are pleased to be able to use American Rescue Plans allocated by City Council to support our small business community continue to grow and recover from the pandemic. This was the sixth round of grants distributed to West Linn businesses in the last 3 years.
This Grant Program has closed.
Opens: Monday, April 3, 2023
Closes: Friday, April 21, 2023 by 5:00 pm
The City of West Linn is offering a sixth round of Small Business Grants to assist West Linn businesses and non-profits with ongoing business recovery and support. The Technical Assistance Grant (TAG) is designed to give businesses funds for technical assistance that will help solve a development need and improve the operations and growth of the business.
I. Eligible Applicants:
- Business is located with the City of West Linn.
- Business has 25 or fewer full-time equivalent employees.
- Business is a for-profit or non-profit [limited to 501(c)(3) corporations.
- Business has a current City of West Linn Business License.
II. Eligible Projects:
- Marketing Strategy | Social Media Strategy
- Branding/Logo Design
- CRM/Mailing List Set-Up
- Website | E-commerce: Build new website, add e-commerce platform to existing site.
- Writing A Business Plan
- Accounting & Bookkeeping Consulting
- IT Consulting
Grant awards are expected to be distributed as follows:
- $1,000 for qualifying Home-Based Businesses, defined as a proprietor/operator and up to 1 employee, with an active home-based business in West Linn (on-line virtual businesses, such as selling on eBay or the like are excluded).
- $1,000 for qualifying Non-profit Businesses having fewer than 25 FTE employees.
- Up to $3,000 for qualifying brick and mortar West Linn Small Businesses, including sole proprietorships, defined as having 0-25 FTE (full-time employee equivalent) employees.
- Step 1: Find the Technical Grant Guidelines and Application here and attached below.
- **Please read entire 8 page application and guidelines thoroughly before applying.**
- Step 2. Please read eligibility criteria on Page 3 of application to determine if business qualifies.
- Step 3: Fill out Application Form (Pages 5-6)
- Step 4: Certify that all criteria are met and sign (Page 7)
- Step 5: Complete Demographic Survey (Page 8)
- Step 6: Scan & email Pages 5-8 to: (PDF preferred)
**Deadline to apply: Friday, April 21, 2023 at 5:00 pm
**Please note: City Hall is closed Friday, April 21. If hand-delivering application instead of emailing, please deliver by Thurs. April 20 at 5:00 pm.
Please contact: Alena Schnarr, West Linn Business Support Staff
Phone: 503-742-6010