Public Records Request

Are you looking for public records? Oregon Revised Statute 192.005 defines a "public record" as any “information, owned, used, or retained by a state agency or political subdivision that relates to an activity, transaction, or function and is necessary to satisfy the fiscal, legal, administrative or historical policies requirements or needs of the state agency or political subdivision."  Every person has the right to inspect any public record of a public body in this state, except as otherwise provided in ORS 192.

For your convenience we have many public records digitized as e-files which are available for you to search, view, and download immediately. Follow the link below for help on searching and links to our most requested documents.

Commercial Building Permits are available through Webdrawer.

*Residential Building Permits 2012 to current are available through Webdrawer*  If you need an older building permit, please fill out the public record request form.

Electrical permits are available through Clackamas County.

Efiles available though Webdrawer

For records not available in E-files you may request specific records by following this link to file a public record request. Please understand that the documents or records requested may not be immediately available for review and that an appointment to review the documents or records may be necessary.  There may be a cost for the research time and duplication of requested documents.  If there are costs associated the requester will be notified of the estimated cost prior to retrieving the documents or records.  Prepayment for research time and copies may be required. 

Any documents or records made available for review will be disassembled by city staff.  Copies may be made by the requester directly, through digital means, such as digital photography or a city supplied flash drive.


1.  Requests must be in writing using the form provided or the online form. Please note, the City will not create a new document in response to a records request.

2.  Submit requests to to the City Recorder, 22500 Salamo Rd., West Linn, Oregon, 97068, or by  fax at 503.650.9041, or by e-mail at  For Police Records submit requests to the Police Department, 1800 8th Avenue, West Linn Oregon, 97068, or by fax at 503-742.8639. 

3.  The City shall respond to all requests as soon as practical and without unreasonable delay. Generally, responses will be made within five (5) business days.

4.  If inspection of documents is preferred over copies, such inspection shall occur during normal business hours. An acceptable inspection time and place will be arranged between the requester and the staff person. Space is provided for up to two persons to inspect records per request.

5.  The City will submit a cost estimate to the requester to provide the requested documents, including copying charges, research time (if required), and separating exempt from non-exempt materials.

6.  If the estimated cost is $35 or more, the City shall require a deposit for the full amount of the estimate before fulfilling the request. If the actual cost exceeds the estimate, the City will not release the documents until the fee is received in full.

Oregon Public Records Law requires the City of West Linn to publish a written procedure for public records requests. The attachment below of our administrative policy fulfills this requirement.

Public Record Request Services Fee

First page up to 10 pages  - Free.

Over 10 pages - Photocopying, Printing, Scanning, PDF creation, and Faxing Fees: 8.5 x 11  $ 0.25,   8.5 x 14  $ 0.30,   11 x 17  $ 0.35

Records Research Fee: Staff hourly wage, plus benefits (first 30 minutes free)

 Legal Review/Research Fee: $100 per hour

CD Duplication/Flash Drive (per event/meeting, and or documents):  $20 and $15 for each additional

City Budget, City Audit, or City CIP document:  Available on City’s Finance Page. Printed Copies available for review at th Adult Community Center, Library, & City Hall