Municipal Court Home
The West Linn Municipal Court is the judicial branch of the city government. It has jurisdiction over all city ordinance and state law violations committed within the city limits, other than felonies. If you have received a citation but are not sure how to proceed, the bottom of the citation will explain your options, or call the court office at 503-656-4263.
The majority of cases heard in Municipal Court are traffic infractions. These citations can be handled in one of three ways: 1. By mail, following the instructions on the citation; 2. At the Municipal Court office in City Hall, where fines are assessed (possibly reduced) by the Court Clerk according to a schedule based on the type of offense and your driving record; or 3. By appearing in court at the time set for arraignment listed on your citation. Court Arraignments - Violations
How Should I Plea? What Are My Options? The purpose of your first appearance ("arraignment") in court for a traffic violation is to tell the judge or court clerk how you wish to proceed with your case. There are two options:
Online - Pay your Court Traffic Ticket Online You may make payment on a Municipal Court citation, including traffic tickets, on-line with your MasterCard or VISA credit card using CourtPaymentOnline (you should have your ticket handy as it will prompt you for the Citation number). Please contact the Court if you have questions about making your payment online, at 503-656-4263.