Right-of-Way Maintenance
Property Owner Tree & Vegetation Maintenance
To help keep our sidewalks and streets accessible to all and our City looking it's best, the City's Municipal Code section 5.470 (Noxious Vegetation) requires that residents maintain both their private property and any adjacent City right of way. In short, this means that weeds and grass must be kept to 8 or less inches in height and trees, blackberry bushes, and other vegetation must be kept clear of adjacent sidewalks and streets. Additional requirements and the full Municipal Code language can be found here.
Please inspect your property on all sides and determine if your property abuts to more than one public right-of-way. If any maintenance is needed in these areas, please attend to it as well. Trees and bushes on the property and on the adjoining right-of-way must be trimmed to a height of not less than 7½ feet above the sidewalk level, not less than 11 feet above street level and not less than 14 feet above street level on any streets designated as an arterial or where parking is prohibited. Additional requirements and the full code language can be found in Chapter 5 (Noxious Vegetation) and Chapter 8 (Community Tree Ordinance) of the City's Municipal Code.
Working Near Power Lines
Trimming trees, especially near power lines can be dangerous work. If trees or vegetation needs trimming near power lines, please call PGE's Tree Hotline at 503-736-5460 before you start work so they can help you do it safely. Learn more about PGE's tree maintenance program and how to work safely near utility lines both above and below ground.
Need Help?
If property owners have questions about maintenance responsibilities or need assistance on how to start, please contact Public Works Streets at streets@westlinnoregon.gov.
Code Enforcement
Any concerns of violation of the Municipal Code can be directed to Code Enforcement by calling the non-emergency dispatch at 503-635-0238.