Public Works Home

  • Stormwater Planter
    As part of updating the City's Stormwater Mangment Manual update, the draft below is open for public comment and review. Please send any comments to Clark Ide  by April 17th.  
  • Building Plans
    Inspection requests for Public Works Permits (e.g. NFP-20-05, FP-20-05) or for an inspection related to a development project (e.g. PI-16-05) must now be done through the Engineering Department's Inspection Request Webform
  • Leaves_On_Drain
    Learn more about about leaf cleanup in your neighborhood. Use the web links provided to learn more about disposal of yard debris and get the information you need during the fall season.
  • Project will evaluate current conditions and provide future direction for the City’s surface water system. The master plan will provide capital improvement projects and priorities, system management and maintenance programmatic recommendations and costs, summary fact sheets and maps, operations and maintenance plans, funding needs/strategies, and shall meet all applicable state, regional, and local laws. Engineering modeling to assist in evaluating scope of specific problems, options, and developing sizing will be required.
  • storm pipe
    Annually, the City reports to DEQ on the development, implementation, and modifications to the City's Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) as required by West Linn's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Discharge Permit.  The annual report is based on the fiscal calendar of July 1 to June 30, with the report being due November 1 each year.  The City posts a draft copy of the annual report each fall for public comment. Past annual reports can be found below.