Serve Your City: Apply to a Community Advisory Group
Community Advisory Groups play an essential role for the city of West Linn. Each advisory group provides community-level advice and direction to the City Council throughout the year. Please learn more about each Community Advisory Group and then click here to consider applying to serve on one. It's the best way to effect real change in the city.
All Community Advisory Groups are established in accordance with the provisions of Sections 2.005 to 2.096 of the West Linn Municipal Code. All members of Community Advisory Groups shall be residents of the City and shall be selected based on their qualifications, unless otherwise provided in Sections 2.080 to 2.096 of the Code.
All Community Advisory Groups have special projects in the subject matter area of the group to which they were appointed. The City Council provides general direction, and when possible, a work plan for the Community Advisory Group to work on during the year. Community Advisory Groups are also encouraged to establish annual goals and action items that reflect any specific duties, projects, or goals the Council has assigned or established.
Community Advisory Groups are expected to suggest, support and advance Council goals and are encouraged to look for ways within the scope of the group’s responsibilities to do so.
- Number of members: 7
- Term of Service: 4 years
- Meeting Dates & Times: First Wednesday of the month, 5:00 p.m., Library
- Staff Liaison: Cheryl Hill and Kristen Christnacht
- Council Liaison: Leo Groner
- Community Members: Charity Hudnut, Christine Linder, Julie Matthiessen, Lauren Beeney, Shatrine Krake, Suzanne Wells, and Veronica Esagui.
- Number of members: 1
- Term of Service: 4 years
- Meeting Dates & Times: Annually as needed
- Staff Liaison: Lauren Breithaupt
- Council Members: Councilor Carol Bryck and Councilor Leo Groner
- Community Member: Abby Farber.
- Number of members: 5
- Term of service: 4 years
- Meeting Dates & Times: Varies; because the city budgets biennially, the majority of service on the Budget Committee occurs in April and May every other year.
- Staff Liaison: Lauren Breithaupt
- Council Liaison: All council members also serve on the Budget Committee
- Community Members: Ann Frazier, Nikki Kobliha, Richard Larson, Abby Farber, and Brian Beedle.
Committee for Community Involvement
- Number of members: 7
- Term of service: 2 years
- Meeting Dates & Times: Fourth Tuesday of the month, 6:00 p.m., Bolton Room
- Staff Liaison: Danielle Choi,
- Council Members: Council President Mary Baumgardner,
- Community Members: Vicki Olson, Tanner Woody, Shannen Knight, Holly DeShaw, Beau Genot, Charley Anderson, and Jacob Hasler.
Economic Development Committee
- Number of members: 7
- Term of service: 4 years
- Meeting Dates & Times: Second Thursday of the month, 6:00 p.m., Rosemont Room
- Staff Liaison: Chris Myers
- Council Liaison: Councilor Kevin Bonnington
- Community Members: Josh Carter, Russel Williams, Shannon Ilas, Tanner Woody, Heather Jones, Alyssa Cruz, and Jared Dean.
- Special note: The Historic Review Board is a quasi-judicial body. Each member appointed to the Historic Review Board shall have a demonstrated interest, knowledge or competence in historic preservation and, to the extent possible, in one of the following fields: archeology, architecture, building construction, history, landscape architecture, law, local history, real estate or urban planning. If possible, at least one member shall be an architect experienced in historic preservation. The majority of the members shall reside within the City of West Linn.
- Number of members: 7
- Term of service: 4 years
- Meeting Dates & Times: Third Tuesday of the month, 6 p.m., Bolton Room
- Staff Liaison: Lynn Schroder
- Council Liaison: Mayor Rory Bialostosky
- Community Members: Daniel Saltee, James Manning, John Steele, Kirsten Solberg, Sheri Harbour De Vos, Regina Fleming, and BreAnn Borgaard.
- Number of members: 7
- Term of service: 4 years
- Meeting Dates & Times: Third Tuesday of every other month, 5:00 p.m., Library
- Staff Liaison: Doug Erickson
- Council Liaison: Councilor Leo Groner
- Community Members: Janet Dalgaard, Martha Swanson, Rachael Hyde, Jessica Wise, Nicholas Bertram, Renae Wilkinson, and Elizabeth Bragg.
- Number of members: 7
- Term of service: 4 years
- Meeting Dates & Times: Second Thursday of the month, 5:30 p.m., Bolton Room
- Staff Liaison: Megan Big John
- Council Liaison: Councilor Kevin Bonnington
- Community Members: Christopher Owen, Diana Lavery, John Linman, Todd Olson, Vicki Handy, Karen Kellogg, and Stacy Epsteen.
- Special note: The Planning Commission is a quasi-judicial body. In selecting individuals for membership on the Planning Commission, the City Council shall give preference to those individuals who possess a particular competence in the field of municipal planning by way of their profession, trade, or prior or present governmental service. No more than two voting members shall be engaged principally in the buying, selling or developing of real estate for profit as individuals, or be members of any partnership, or officers or employees of any corporation, that is engaged principally in the buying, selling or developing of real estate for profit. No more than two voting members shall be engaged in the same kind of occupation, business, trade or profession.
- Number of members: 7
- Term of service: 4 years
- Meeting Dates & Times: 1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6:00 p.m., Council Chambers
- Staff Liaison: Darren Wyss
- Council Liaison: Councilor Carol Bryck
- Community Members: Gary Walvatne, Joel Metlen, Thomas Watton, David D. Jones, Kathryn Schulte-Hillen, Jason Evans, and Kris Kachirisky.
Public Safety Advisory Board - Currently inactive
- Number of members: 7
- Term of service: 4 years
- Meeting Dates & Times:
- Staff Liaison: Captain Peter Mahuna
- Council Liaison: Mayor Rory Bialostosky
- Community Members: None
- Number of members: 7
- Term of service: 4 years
- Meeting Dates & Times: Third Thursday of the month, 6 p.m., Bolton Room
- Staff Liaison: Dylan Digby
- Council Liaison: Councilor Leo Groner
- Community Members: Greg Smith, Kate Jaspers, Michael Carlson, Victoria Meier, Daniel Reesor, Roberto Baturoni, and vacancy.
- Number of members: 7
- Term of service: 4 years
- Meeting Dates & Times: Bi-Monthly on the fourth Wednesday of the month, 6:00 pm (additional meetings can be scheduled if necessary)
- Staff Liaison: Erich Lais
- Council Liaison: Council President Mary Baumgardner,
- Community Members: Greg DiLoreto, Jeff Krug, Rich Faith, Richard Larson, Logan Hardt, Clayton Filter and Alex Kraft.
- Special note: The Utility Advisory Board is established pursuant to Chapter X, Section 45 of the City Charter to make recommendations to the City Council concerning rates for water and other duties assigned by the Council.
- Number of members: 7
- Term of service: 4 years
- Meeting Dates & Times: Bi-monthly on the second Tuesday of the month, 6:00 pm (additional meetings can be scheduled if necessary)
- Staff Liaison: Erich Lais
- Council Liaison: Councilor Carol Bryck
- Community Members: Dean Wood, Janice Olsen, Thane Landis, Beau Genot, Natalie Mann, Torsten Kieper, and Jeff Stallard.