City of West Linn | 2017 City Council Goals Adopted February 13, 2017
Citizen Engagement
Implement quarterly Council Town Halls.
Continue to engage the CCI to address a range of public involvement issues, including land use engagement, CDC and Comprehensive Plan revisions. Improve the land use process and code and increase citizen engagement.
Economic Development
Participate in Willamette Falls Locks activities according to the governor’s task force recommendations.
Review City zoning to enhance the City’s opportunities for economic development in the business districts.
Fiscal Sustainability
Balance city service needs with fiscal realities over the coming several biennia given the impact of PERS funding on local governments.
Assess the City’s Capital Improvement Plan and options for capital improvement financing.
Identify ways to increase the General Fund.
Planning/Community Development
Draft a plan to address waterfront/river corridor master planning along I205/Willamette Falls Drive and engage public as appropriate.
Complete City properties review and evaluation.
Participate in Stafford urban rural reserve discussions to protect the City’s interest for the Stafford area.
Assess the appropriateness of zoning in potentially developable areas for consistency with neighborhood plans and city vision.
Continue steps to move forward the Highway 43 Concept Plan project, including citizen outreach and public education.
Open dialogue with Tri-Met for improved transit services in the City.
Engage and track the WES governance discussions to protect West Linn ratepayer interests.