Social Media Overview

Social Media

The city of West Linn uses social media in a variety of ways to communicate and connect the West Linn community. This page provides an overview of social media and how to connect with the City on the various platforms. Find all of them in one convenient, mobile-friendly interface at our Linktree. If you have any questions about West Linn's use of social media, please email us.


Facebook allows registered users to send messages and post status updates to keep in touch with friends and family who are also on Facebook.  West Linn uses Facebook to share upcoming events, meetings, news, and photos. By "liking" the City pages, Facebook users receive notifications on their Facebook timeline from the city. 

City of West Linn
City of West Linn Parks & Recreation
West Linn Police Department
West Linn Public Library


Twitter is a micro-blogging information network made up of 140-character messages called tweets.  West Linn uses Twitter to share upcoming events, meetings, news and photos. By "following" the City accounts, city tweets will show up on your Twitter timeline.

City of West Linn
City of West Linn Parks & Recreation
West Linn Police Department
West Linn Public Library


Instagram is an online mobile photo and video social networking service. West Linn uses Instagram to share photos and to promote the city's natural beauty, unique citizens, events, and news. By "following" the City accounts, city pictures will show up on your Instagram feed.

City of West Linn
City of West Linn Parks & Recreation
West Linn Police Department
West Linn Public Library



YouTube is an online video platform that allows users to discover, watch and share originally-created videos. YouTube is a distribution platform for original content creators and advertisers. West Linn uses YouTube to share informational videos about the city and its special events. By "subscribing" to the city of West Linn account, city videos will appear on your YouTube timeline when the city creates new ones. Please note: city meetings are recorded, streamed live, and archived online using the Granicus system. The length of city meetings makes Granicus a more reliable system than posting them to YouTube.

This page provides an overview of social media tools and how the city uses them.

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