History of Water in West Linn
From the Water System Improvement Task Force and Section 44 of the Municipal Code, to the Utility Advisory Board, the City and community of West Linn have been very active studying water rates over the last three decades.
Section 44. Voter Approval of Utility Rates. No "utility rate increase" may exceed 5% in any calendar year without first receiving voter approval. The City Council may increase utility rates by a percentage of no more than 5% in any calendar year after having considered a recommendation from the Utility Advisory Board for the percentage increase, if one is received. For the purposes of this section a "utility rate increase" is the cost increase paid to the City by a user of the sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water systems above the rate paid on June 18, 1999, excluding the component of a sewer rate increase that is a pass through of an increase in charges paid by the City for sewage treatment. The utility rate for each system shall be considered separately. The provisions of this section shall be implemented by ordinance of the Council.
Below are some downloaded highlights on the water rate issue and events occurring over the last three decades: