Online Payment Opportunities
The city of West Linn is pleased to offer four online payment portals for your convenience:
Online Utility Payments
Online Court Payments
Online Dog Licensing
Online Business Licensing
The City of West Linn is pleased to offer online payment opportunities for utility bills, municipal court payments, and business licenses. Online payments are secure, and can be made from the comfort of your own home.
Online City Services Bill (a.k.a. Utility Bill) Payments
You may now make your monthly City Services Bill payment on-line with your MasterCard or VISA credit card using UtilityPaymentOnline. This is an online program where you can make credit card payments on-line from the convenience and security of your home computer. You can also make a payment by calling 1-800-701-8560, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (a "live" person is available if you call Monday - Friday between 5am to 6pm PST). If you prefer to use the direct payment method which will automatically make your monthly payment from your checking or savings account, click here for further information. NOTE: Click here for "non-online ways" to pay your City Services Bill:
Online Court Traffic Ticket Payments
You may now make payment on a Municipal Court citation such as a traffic ticket online with your MasterCard or VISA credit card using CourtPaymentOnline. This is an online program where you can make credit card payments on-line from the convenience and security of your home computer.
Online Dog Licensing Payments
You may now apply for a dog license online through Clackamas County using a MasterCard or VISA using Online Dog Licensing. This online program is a secure online service offered by the County for the citizens of the City of West Linn.
Online Business Licensing Payments
You may now apply for a online business license with a MasterCard or VISA using Online Business Licensing. This online program is a secure online service offered by the City of West Linn.