City Tax Rates


Below is a quick property tax rate summary illustrating the permanent property tax rates of West Linn and other cities in the area (expressed in a rate per $1,000 of Assessed Value).

History of City’s Low Permanent Property Tax Rate

Two serial levies were in place for the City of West Linn in fiscal yeard 1994-95, 1995-96 and 1996-97. Both of these serial levies expired before the Measure 50 permanent property tax rates were established. Hence, neither of these two serial levies rolled into the permanent rate for the City of West Linn. Later, West Linn voters approved two local option levies in March 1997 which replaced the two serial levies; however, this election was too late for the permanent rate calculation which occurred in late 1996. Today, the permanent property tax rate for the City of West Linn is at $2.12 per $1,000 of taxable assessed value, the lowest property tax rate for cities in the surrounding area.