Local Budget Law

Budget Law

Local Budget Law
Local Budget Law is found in the Oregon Revised Statute, Chapter 294. The law sets out several specific procedures that Cities must follow during the budget process. The budget must be completed by June 30the day before the start of the fiscal year or biennial budget period to which it relates.

What are the purposes of Local Budget Law?
The Legislature clearly identified the purposes of Local Budget Law in the statute. It is designed to:

  • Establish standard procedures for preparing, presenting, and administering City budgets
  • Encourage citizen involvement in the preparation of the budget before its final adoption
  • Provide a method of estimating revenues, expenditures, and proposed taxes
  • Institute a method for control of revenues and expenditures for the promotion of efficiency and economy in the expenditure of public funds

Many of the requirements in the law, such as public meetings, publication notices, non-governing body representation on the budget committee, and the availability of the budget document throughout the development process are designed to encourage citizen involvement. An overriding theme in the law is that public policy decisions are to be made openly in a public meeting. Citizens have the right to be there and to know what their local government intends to do, before it happens.

The law requires that all local governments use uniform formats prescribed by the Department of Revenue in the preparation of their budget. This requirement lends a semblance of consistency and predictability between both large and small local governments´ budget documents.

Links to Budget Information on State's Website
Here is the link to the State’s website where you can find more information about the various requirements of budgets and Local Budget Law in the State of Oregon:

Oregon Department of Revenue : Local budget law : Property Tax : State of Oregon)

Here is the link to the following publications providing information about local budgeting in Oregon: