TC-24-13 |
TC-24-13 RRFB on 12th in front of Willamette Primary |
Transportation |
TC-24-16 |
TC-24-16 No parking on Wild Rose Ct. adjacent to Tanner Creek Park |
Transportation |
TC-24-17 |
TC-24-17 Three-way stop at Burns and Cascade |
Transportation |
TC-24-18 |
TC-24-18 Sidewalk and bike lane on Dollar Street from Willamette Falls Drive to Brandon Place |
Transportation |
TC-24-20 |
TC-24-20 Parker Rd. speed reduction to 25mph |
Transportation |
PI-16-05 |
Territorial Drive Partition |
Private Development Project (Public Improvement) |
PI-17-01 |
Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue Station #55 |
Private Development Project (Public Improvement) |
PI-15-08 |
Weatherview Subdivision |
Private Development Project (Public Improvement) |
BD1827 |
Willamette Falls Drive Streetscape Project |
Transportation |