Rosemont Reservoir Safety and Maintenance Improvements

Project ID: 
Project Type:
City Initiated Project (Capital Improvement)
Project Status: 
Project Budget: 
Project Manager: 
Matt Kaatz
Project Contact Information: 
Matt Kaatz 503-742-6083
Project Dates: 
Hidden Springs

Included various safety, security, and access related improvements. Primary goal was to improve site security access, improve tank safety access, provide additional conduit from street for current and future telecommunications among other improvements.

Status Updates

07/19/2016 - Telecommunication companies wrapping up their antenna upgrades on the reservoir. Final punch list items completed by the contractor.

04/05/2016 - Reservoir drained for interior paint inspection.

03/23/2016 - Draining of reservoir is tentatively scheduled for April 5th for paint inspections. Contractors are scheduled to be onsite during this time to remove some conduit inside the dry areas and complete welding holes that previously housed cell provider wiring at top of reservoir.

01/15/2016 - Waiting on cell providers to install remaining antennas before City can complete exterior painting of reservoir.

12/17/2015 - AT&T new building is complete. Contractor has completed interior wet-well, and interior dry areas. Electrical work continues including installation of switches, remaining conduit, obstruction light, controller and other lighting upgrades.

06/29/2015 - AT&T requested to mobilize on site and begin construction of new building.

04/22/2015 - Safety rail and inside shaft installed. 

02/18/2015 - Various welding on site as needed. Sand blasting inside reservoir to prep for new paint application. Electrical work continuing at panels on property line adjacent to generator shed.

02/02/2015 - Reservoir taken offline

01/14/2015 - Excavation of new generator site location. Marking out conduit ran from shelter to reservoir. Inside reservoir wiring completed.

11/07/2014 - Onsite prep work in progress.

10/06/2014 - Notice to proceed issued.

09/08/2014 - Contract awarded by Council to S & K Painting. Working on required bonds prior to beginning of construction.


Disclaimer notice regarding the project information on this site: The City of West Linn is pleased to provide as much information as possible on our website for the benefit of the public. This information is updated by staff on a periodic (not daily) basis. However, please be aware of the following: The information on this site is not the official file of record and there may be additional project information in the file of record that is not posted on this site. The information on this site may not include the latest submittals or changes to an application. Interested parties are encouraged to call the City project manager with any inquiries on a project. The official file of record is kept in the City Department managing the project and is available for public review during regular office hours at City Hall located at 22500 Salamo Road, West Linn, Or 97068. Any questions related to any project should be directed to the project manager listed in the file, or by calling City Hall at 503-657-0331.