Final Plat Applications

Property owners looking to divide their property must first apply for and secure approval for a land division. After obtaining approval for the land division or preliminary plat, they must then submit an application for a final plat.


Apply for Final Plat Review:


Submit Your Plat for Review:

  • Applicants should upload the development review application form and an electronic version of the draft "redline" final plat with through the Submit a Land Use Application portal.


City Review of the Initial Submittal:

  • The City Planning and Engineering departments will review the electronic "redline" version of the plat and provide comments and edits via email. This review process may take up to 30 days from the date of submission.
  • Concurrently,  the applicant should send the same "redline" version of the plat to Clackamas County for their review and feedback. Go to the Clackamas County Surveyor website  for information related to the County's process and fees.
  • After receiving comments from both the City and Clackamas County, the surveyor can proceed to incorporate the "redline" edits onto the plat.


City Review of the Second Plat Submission:

  • Email the updated version of the plat to the planner.
  • Planning and Engineering will confirm the changes were made correctly and email approval to proceed with printing Mylars. This process may take up to 14 calendar days from submission
  • Note: If Clackamas County requires a subdivision release letter from the Planning Department (for subdivisions only), submit the request through the “Submit a Land Use Application” portal. This step may take up to 30 calendar days.


Final Review and Approval of Mylars:

  • Print and deliver the Mylars to the City for a final review and approval.
  • Staff will verify the accuracy of the final printed Mylars, after which the Planning Director and City Engineer will sign them.
  • The applicant  will be notified by email when the Mylars are ready for pickup. This step may take up to 14 calendar days from submission.


County Signature and Recording:

  • Pick up the signed Mylars from the City and deliver them to Clackamas County for final signature and recording of the plat.