Comprehensive Plan and Neighborhood Plans


Comprehensive planning is a strategic process that defines community goals and aspirations for growth and development into the future. It encompasses policies related to transportation, utilities, land usage, environmental considerations, recreational facilities, and housing. These policies reflect the long-term vision and values of the community and also ensure coordination with other local jurisdictions and agencies.

The Comprehensive Plan's expression of the community's land use vision is formalized in the Community Development Code.

The Planning Department is responsible for guiding the City's long-term community planning initiatives. The department collaborates with community members, neighborhood associations, local entities, and regional and state agencies to ensure alignment between the city's long-range plans and the community's vision while adhering to regional and state requirements. 

Along with supporting the development of the Comprehensive Plan and other long-range planning efforts, the Planning Department administers the Community Development Code. This involves processing land use permits such as variances, conditional uses, subdivisions, land partitions, and various other actions related to land use.

You can find zoning information in West Linn Maps.  

If you have questions about long range planning efforts, land use regulations, or processes, please email the Planning Department.