Planning Consultation

The Planning Department offers 30-minute planning consultations to discuss your proposed project, take questions, and provide development code regulations that may apply. These consultations are particularly beneficial for large or complex projects, or for sites with unique constraints or opportunities that might require further research.

You have several options for how to conduct the consultation: in-person, virtually, by phone, or by receiving written feedback only.

Before requesting a planning consultation, please review the list of commonly asked questions about zoning and allowable property uses.  You can also familiarize yourself with the development  review process.  This may help you find answers to your questions without a consultation.

A planner can assist with general zoning and process questions related to your site and project proposal. However, we do not provide specific zoning determinations for a site during these consultations. If you require a formal zoning determination in writing, you should request a Zoning Confirmation Letter.

Planning consultations are a flexible early assistance option to help applicants. Consultations do not replace required pre-application meetings.

30-Minute Appointments

Planning consultations are available Monday through Thursday, between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. The fee is $150. Appointments must be scheduled by 5:00 pm, at least two working days before your desired meeting date. You may choose between an in-person or virtual meeting. To schedule, submit the planning consultation form along with any required materials through the Submit a Land Use Application web page. The City will contact you to arrange payment and confirm your appointment.