Decision Making Bodies
There are four decision making bodies that have the authority to decide land use applications:
Planning Director
The Planning Director has the authority to:
1. Approve, deny, or approve with conditions the following applications:
- A temporary use or structure application for a period no more than 120 days, including all extensions (Chapter 35 CDC), and not associated with another land use approval.
- A home occupation application (Chapter 37 CDC).
- Access restrictions (Chapter 48 CDC)
- A minor partition (Chapter 85 CDC).
- A final subdivision plat (Chapter 89 CDC).
- A final partition plat (Chapter 89 CDC).
- A lot line adjustment (Chapter 85 CDC).
- Enlargement or alteration of a non-conforming single-family structure containing a conforming use (Chapter 66 CDC).
- Decide applications for a determination of unlisted parking requirements (Chapter 46 CDC).
- Parks Design Review, Class I (Chapter 56 CDC).
- Design Review, Class I (Chapter 55 CDC).
- A sign application (Chapter 52 CDC).
- Sidewalk use permit (Chapter 53 CDC).
- Flood management area permit (Chapter 27 CDC).
- Tualatin River protection permit (Chapter 28 CDC).
- Water resource area permit (Chapter 32 CDC).
- Class I variance (Chapter 75 CDC).
- Willamette River Greenway permit (Chapter 28 CDC).
- Extensions of approval when the Planning Director acted as the initial decision-making authority.
- Class I Historic Design Review (Chapter 25 CDC).
- A demolition permit for a non-contributing or not in period primary structure or an accessory structure (Chapter 25 CDC)
Historic Review Board
The Historic Review Board has the authority to:
1. Approve, deny, or approve with conditions an application regarding the following:
- Class II Historic Design Review;
- A demolition permit for a historic landmark or primary contributing structure within a historic district;
- Relocation of a historic resource;
- Revocation or modification of an approval as provided by CDC 99.330 for any application approved by the Historic Review Board; and
- An extension of an approval when the Historic Review Board acted as the initial decision-making authority.
2. Make recommendations to the approval authority specified regarding the following:
- Designation of a historic resource
- Removal of historic resource designation;
- Class I or Class II design review on a property within the Willamette Falls Drive Commercial Design District that is not a historic landmark or within the Willamette Historic District;
- New construction within the Willamette Falls Drive Commercial Design District that is not a historic landmark or within the Willamette Historic District;
- A partition or subdivision of property containing a historic resource;
- Conditional use of property containing a historic resource.
Planning Commission
The Planning Commission has the authority to:
1. Make a recommendation to approve, deny, or approve with conditions to the Council:
- A quasi-judicial Comprehensive Plan Map amendment (Chapter 105 CDC).
- A quasi-judicial zone change application pursuant to Chapter 105 CDC, excluding applications requesting the designation or removal of a designation for a historic resource.
2. Approve, deny, or approve with conditions the following applications:
- A temporary use or structure application (Chapter 35 CDC) for a minimum of 121 days to no more than one year, or an application associated with another land use approval.
- A conditional use (Chapter 60 CDC).
- Enlargement of a non-conforming use or alteration for a structure containing a non-conforming use (Chapter 66 CDC).
- Enlargement or alteration of a non-single-family residential non-conforming use (Chapter 66 CDC).
- Class II variance or special waiver (Chapter 75 CDC).
- Subdivision (Chapter 85 CDC).
- Planned unit development (Chapter 24 CDC).
- Design review, Class II (Chapter 55 CDC).
- Parks design review, Class II (Chapter 56 CDC).
- Any matter not specifically assigned to another approval authority.
- Extensions of approval when the Planning Commission acted as the initial decision-making authority.
3. Revoke or modify an approval as provided by CDC 99.330 for any application approved by the Planning Commission or Planning Director.
4. Make an unlisted use determination.
5. An appeal of the Planning Director’s interpretation of the code pursuant to CDC 01.060.
City Council
The Council has the authority to:
1. Approve, deny, or approve with conditions applications for the following development applications:
- A quasi-judicial Comprehensive Plan Map amendment (Chapter 105 CDC).
- A quasi-judicial zone change application pursuant to Chapter 105 CDC.
- Boundary change proposals (Chapter 81 CDC).
2. Consider an appeal or review of a decision made by the Planning Director under the provisions of CDC 99.240(A) and 99.080(B).
3. Consider an appeal or review of a decision made by the Planning Commission or Historic Review Board, whether on the Council’s own motion, or otherwise as provided by CDC 99.240.
4. Decide an appeal of the Director’s interpretation of zoning boundaries as provided by CDC 05.040.
5. Revoke or modify an approval as provided by CDC 99.330 for any application approved by the City Council, including an application approved by the City Council on appeal from another City decision-making authority.
6. Street vacations.
7. Street name changes.