West Linn City Hall 1936 Construction Drawings

Use the link below to download the construction drawings of the old West Linn City Hall from 1935/1936. There are 18 drawings included in the PDF.
The original hand-inked drawings are filed in the archives at the Oregon Historical Society. Permission was given by OHS to make these drawings available in digital form for the general public.
The digital PDF drawings on this website were scanned from paper copies provided by John Klatt, Old Oregon. The City of West Linn is grateful for Mr. Klatt's research and time in finding these drawings in the OHS archives.
The old West Linn City Hall was remodeled in 1953 and 1987. Scanned drawings from the City of West Linn archives are also provided in digital format using the links below.
The old West Linn City Hall is located at 22825 Willamette Drive, West Linn, Oregon, 97068, USA.