West Linn Waterfront Open House
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Waterfront Open House Recap:
On March 9, 2024, local community members came together to collaborate on a shared vision for the West Linn Waterfront. The Waterfront Open House provided a platform for attendees to learn about the project and voice their thoughts and suggestions on the 275-acre Waterfront planning area. The strongest theme that emerged was the importance of access to the River and Willamette Falls.
The planning area is divided into three districts. In the Historic City Hall District, attendees favored cafes, restaurants and midrise apartments. Moving south to the Cultural Heritage District, most support was for trails with viewing platforms and access to the River and Willamette Falls. In the Pond District, attendees identified wetland trails and viewing platforms as a desired outcome.
The Waterfront Vision Plan will create a framework for future land uses and activities based on the past 30 years of planning and current community values and aspirations. The insights gleaned from the listening session will inform the Vision Plan. Interested Community members are encouraged to comment on the draft Vision Plan through the end of May.
The Plan will continue to develop through fall 2024, when City Council will consider legislative adoption.
Waterfront Open House Notice:
The City of West Linn is creating a Vision Plan for the Willamette River Waterfront. The Plan will create a framework for future land uses and activities based on the past 30 years of planning and current community values and aspirations. The intent of this Vision Plan is to present an inspired and achievable framework for the transformation of West Linn’s Waterfront into a vibrant place that provides new opportunities for residents and visitors to access and experience the natural beauty and cultural richness of the area.
Everyone is welcome to join us at our Open House event at the West Linn Library Community Room on March 9th from 1:30 to 3:30pm and/or check out the project and provide your feedback online at
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