Willamette Falls Drive Streetscape Project

Project ID: 
Project Type:
Project Status: 
Project Budget: 
$7,000,000 Bond Allocation, ($1,225,169.30 awarded for Design, $4,069,875 awarded for construction of Historic Willamette area)
Project Manager: 
Erich Lais
Project Contact Information: 
Project Dates: 
Construction for Historic Willamette Improvements began in January 2020 and is scheduled to be substantially completed fall/winter 2020 - Construction dates of the 10th St. Corridor are to be determined upon completion of Historic Willamette Improvements
Public Notice Deadline: 
Notice Type: 
10th St. Interchange/Willamette Falls

Desired project outcomes include the design and construction of streetscape improvements along Willamette Falls Drive in the historic Willamette area from 10th Street to 16th Street followed by design and consutruction of streetscape improvements of the 10th Street interchange with I-205 along 10th Street from Willamette Falls Drive up to and including parts of Salamo Road and Blankenship Road. Design and construction of these corridors are funded in part  by the 2018 GO Bond in addition to storm, water, sewer, road, and SDC funds.


The City is pursuing a Street Use Program in conjunction with the Historic Main Street portion of this project. 

Source Documents:

Transportation System Plan (Motor Vehicle Plan, Bicycle Plan, and Pedestrian Plan)

Savanna Oaks (Tanner Basin) Neighborhood Plan (Goal 1: Transportation, Goal 6: Safety)

Status Updates

Historic Willamette Streetscape (10th St. to 16th St.)

4/22/2021 - City's contractor is wrapping up final striping for parking. Bike lanes will also be striped with green and white lines at the edges of the bike lanes to enhance visibility and emphasize the physical grade separation of the bike lanes and sidewalks.

3/15/2021 - The City's contractor will provide final striping of head-in angled striping per Council's direction.

2/10/2021 - Council will soon be making a decision on back-in vs. head-in angled parking along the main street corridor. Final striping will resume once Council makes a final determination. 

1/25/2021 - Crews are continuing to cleanup and work towards total completion along Willamette Falls Drive. Trees have been planted, and lights are being added to the trees between 10th and 14th street.  The contractor will return to straighten pavers and wrap up asphalt projects. 

11/10/2020 - Final asphalt paving on Willamette Falls Drive is complete. Paving of side streets is ongoing and weather dependent. Striping is scheduled for this week.

10/02/2020 - Asphalt paving of cycle tracks is near completion. The final landscape/plant plan is availabe for review and posted below. 

9/15/2020 - Several signifanct phases of construction have been completed including demo, excavation, underground utility installations, subgrade preparation, and concrete and curb installation. Paving and striping is in progress and includes final installation of impervious pavers. Final landscape restoration and installation of large caliper diameter trees is pending. 

7/30/2020 - Final lift of pavement scehduled for the end of August/early September. Sidewalks near 10th St. - 12th St. are nearing completion. Storm work between 14th-16th to begin the first week of August. 

7/01/2020 - Base layer paving is ongoing. Flaggers will be in place. Expect delays and utilize side streets when able.  Striping of additional parking is taking place this week.  Demolition of 14th-16th will start Monday 7/6.

6/25/2020 - Paving will begin next week. Parking has been restored in some areas of the corridor. 

 06/04/2020 -  Sidewalks are nearing completion on the north side with the exception of a few corners.  Sidewalk will be completed on the south side between 12th and 13th by the end of the week.

6/03/2020 - An udpated parking spot count has been completed and is attached below.  Final parking counts are subject to change based on additional input from City Council. 

5/18/2020 - Storm work is taking place throughout the week and lane closures with traffic control is to be expected. Curb and sidewalk work is taking place on the south side of Willamette Falls Drive between 12th and 14th. This work is anticipated to last approximately three weeks.

5/6/2020 - Staff has virtual meeting on 5/14 with lighting consultant to discuss and review street tree lighting plans for the main street corridor. 

4/16/2020 - Curb installation is ongoing. The first layer of asphalt is being installed.

03/24/2020 - The contractor is continuing to install new curb and sidewalks on the north side of the road. Pedestrian access is still available with some minor detours in place. 

02/06/2020 - Construction is progressing. Storm manholes and inlets are being installed. Preparation of the road subgrade is ongoing. 

01/09/2020 - Project Open House for Business Owners and the general community will be held on January 14th in the Community Room of the Police Station from 10:00am-12:00pm. This is an opportunity to meet with the City's contractor and ask questions you may have.  Please note, that all meeting times will take place during day as the Contractor's schedule allows. Written comments are always welcomed if you cannot attend. For more information please click here.

01/08/2020 - The City's contractor will begin general preparation for construction incluidng temporary signage and erosion control such as inlet protection and fencing. Actual construction is scheduled to begin the week of 1/13/2020. 

12/31/2019 - Tree removal beginning. New trees will be replanted and landscaping will be restored upon completion of construction. 

12/12/2019 - Council awarded construction contract to Moore Excavating at the December 9th meeting. Construction to begin mid January 2020.

11/26/19 - A public bid opening was held in Council Chambers.  A total of 8 bids were received with Moore Excavation, Inc. being the lowest responsive bidder at $4,069,875.00.  Contract award is scheduled for the December 9th Council Meeting. 

11/25/19 - City Staff met with the owner of the Lily Pond Pre-school (1556 WFD) to discuss the removal of the large trees adjacent to their property.  The goal is to have the City contractor remove the trees during winter break while kids are out.  Also discussed was the removal and relocation of their fence around the playground along with play equipment. 

11/14/2019 - Final design (10th St. to 16th St.) is complete and project was issued with an Advertisement for Bid on 11/07/2019. Formal bids are due on 11/26/2019. The construction contract is anticipated to go before City Council for award on 12/09/2019. 

11/07/2019 - City staff attended the Willamette Main Street Executive Board meeting to provide project updates and receive feedback. Staff will attend the next meeting on December 9th. 

11/05/2019 - Contract for Tree removal along main street has been executed and will be conducted by Arbor Pro Tree Experts. Work scheduled to begin after January 1, 2020.

10/17/2019 - City has received 90% plans which have been redlined for refining of final design. The City is currently soliciting quotes for removal of existing street trees. Salveagable trees and landscaping will be relocated in coordination with Main Street Volunteers. Staff is reviewing alternatives to a landscape median due to conflicts with the angled parking. Staff will presenting a project update to City Council at the October 21st Work Session. 

10/16/2019 - City is coordinating with utility companies including NW Natural and PGE. NW Natural intends to relocate existing gas main ahead of City's construction. PGE has provided three options for powerline relocation. Relocation options have been provided to the Historic Main Street Group for feedback. 

10/15/2019 - Public Works Director met with the Main Street Group for continued discuss of the project and to provide an update on discussed design elements. An updated sketch concept rendering is attached below. 

10/03/2019 - Public Works Director met with the Main Street Executive Board to discuss project progress. Staff has been meeting with utility companies to review utility relocation plans. 

9/16/19 - Joint Work Session with City Council and the Transportation Advisory Board.  Public Works Director Lance Calvert provided an update on the project.

9/5/2019 - Design is ongoing. City staff continues to meet with Historic Main Street Group and main street business owners (most recently on 9/5/19 & 9/6/19). The City is considering removal of the concept of reverse angled parking based on community feedback. 

8/8/2019 - Open House held at City Hall. 

8/01/2019 - City presented at the West Linn Chamber of Commerce hosted "Lunch & Learn" on August 1st (https://westlinnchamber.org/calendar/).  The presentation can be found here: Chamber of Commerce Presentation.

7/26/2019 - City met with the Historic Main Street Board along with 15+ main street business owners to discuss project and receive feedback.  City staff has a re-occurrring meeting (1 per month on Fridays) with the board.

7/16/2019 - City is holding monthly meetings (once per month on Mondays) with the Historic Willamette Main Street Design Committee to provide updates and to receive feedback.

7/2/2019 - City Engineer/Public Works Director Lance Calvert met with the Savanna Oaks NA to discuss 10th St. interchange and progress on Historic Willamette designs.

6/13/2019 - Open House held at West Linn Police Department Community Room. Information slides are attached below. 

5/30/2019 - Open House postcards sent to residents within 1000' radius of Willamette Falls Drive and Salamo Rd. (WFD from 10th to 16th and Salamo Rd. from 10th to Vista Ridge Dr.)

5/22/2019 - Open House details provided in City's weekly email.

5/17 /2019 - Open House event outreach began including: Facebook event, advertisement on City's main page, email communications to Historic Main Street Group, email communication to City NA presidents.  

4/10/2019 - Public Works Director Lance Calvert met with the Willamette Neighborhood Assocation and provided updates on current project including design status (30%), exploratory boring that occured in March and estimates on timelines for future construction. 

04/04/2019 - Public Outreach Meeting with Historic Main Street Group took place on March 22nd. Design is ongoing with 30% plans expected by end of this month.

3/19/2019 - Exploratory bore tests being conducted between the hours of 7am and 7pm through March 22nd. 

3/5/2019 - Lance Calvert, Public Works Director attended the Savanna Oaks Neighborhood Association meeting to provide information on project as well as provide opportunites for members to inquire about project specifics and/or relay concerns to be considered during the design process. 

02/13/2019 - Preliminary site surveying is ongoing. 

01/08/2019 - Contract approved. City is scheduling a kickoff meeting with the consultant.

12/27/2018 - Contract for design is signed and executed. Utility locates are scheduled in the next two weeks in order to identify existing underground utilities in the project area.  

12/10/2018 - Design contract award for HHPR approved by City Council. 

10/10/2018 - The firm of HHPR has been selected. Scope and fee negotiations are underway.

9/12/2018 - Advertisement for Design and Construction Administration Services closed. The City received three (3) bids which are currently under review. 

8/15/2018 - Advertisement for Design and Construction Administration Services published on the City's bid website. 


Disclaimer notice regarding the project information on this site: The City of West Linn is pleased to provide as much information as possible on our website for the benefit of the public. This information is updated by staff on a periodic (not daily) basis. However, please be aware of the following: The information on this site is not the official file of record and there may be additional project information in the file of record that is not posted on this site. The information on this site may not include the latest submittals or changes to an application. Interested parties are encouraged to call the City project manager with any inquiries on a project. The official file of record is kept in the City Department managing the project and is available for public review during regular office hours at City Hall located at 22500 Salamo Road, West Linn, Or 97068. Any questions related to any project should be directed to the project manager listed in the file, or by calling City Hall at 503-657-0331.