Main Street Willamette Falls Drive Update

Main Street View

Last updated January 6, 2022

Curb Status

As the community has become accustomed to the new pedestrian and separated bicycle lane design of Willamette Falls Drive in the Main Street Area there have been fewer instances and complaints related to potential tripping hazards. However, we want to ensure that patrons of the area are as safe as possible so we have been reviewing options to further improve safety in the area. Temporary bollards and rope were installed several months ago to bring attention to the new design features. Most of the 2” curbs in the area have been ground down to minimize tripping hazards and a few more areas are under review for additional grinding. Further permanent design options have been proposed by the City and are currently under review by Historic Willamette Main Street and local businesses, including permanent decorative bollards and chains in areas of 6” curb, colored concrete to visually highlight grade changes, and landscaping barriers. If you wish to share your feedback on design solutions, please contact Historic Main Street.

Water Fountain

A water fountain is currently being installed on Historic Willamette Main Street that will provide an ADA accessible drinking fountain, a regular drinking water bottle fill station, and a sparkling water bottle fill station—one of the first of its kind in America! It is our hope that this area will become a meeting spot and centralized hub to further build community in the area. This unique feature is fully funded by the water utility as a public water drinking fountain and will include educational plaques about drinking water in West Linn. Construction of the drinking fountain is nearly complete, but the water will not be turned on until spring due to potential freeze during winter.

Originally a sculpture was planned for the top of the water fountain, but community members wanted to provide additional input on art selection prior to installation. A small committee of members of the Main Street Design Committee and Willamette Neighborhood Association are currently reviewing possible art options for the fountain to beautify the Historic Willamette Main Street area. Art selected will be brought to City Council for approval in the future. If you wish to share your input on selection of the art, please contact Historic Main Street.

Other Improvements We Are Excited About

Electrical wiring for seasonal lighting and audio speakers to enhance the ambiance of the area as a community shopping and gathering space were installed just in time for holiday festivities. The commercial grade LED lighting display provides full color spectrum computer controlled lighting that can be synchronized to available audio components.  Free public Wifi is also under construction, with the hopes of going live early in the new year. New benches, specially designed garbage receptacles, and bike racks have been recently added that will further add to the ambiance in our beautiful Historic Willamette Area for visitors and residents to enjoy while exploring the great restaurants and stores the area has to offer.  

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Masons 2
Cider House
Bike lanes