I-205 Abernethy Bridge Paving Project
Currently, there is a lot of staging activity on the proposed solar highway site related to the Abernethy Bridge project. Large tanker trucks, material storage, large highway construction equipment, etc. are being stored and staged at the site. This activity is not related to the solar highway proposal. If you have any questions about the Abernethy Bridge project, please contact Susan Hanson in ODOT Community Affairs. I-205 Abernethy Bridge (Willamette River Bridge) Paving Project Is Underway. Motorists Should Expect Ramp and Lane Closures on I-205 During Nighttime Work Hours. Oregon Department of Transportation has started work on a $6.9 million preservation project on the I-205 Abernethy Bridge over the Willamette River, linking Oregon City and West Linn. Over 100,000 vehicles cross this bridge each day. Project Information and Location The project will repair bridge joints and repave the bridge structure that carries I-205 traffic across the Willamette River. Work includes replacing the bridge expansion joints and repaving the bridge. It is being done by Wildish Construction of Eugene, Oregon. Schedule The project will require approximately 10 weeks of night work and intermittent weekend closures of the Abernethy Bridge off- and on-ramps (Exit 8). The paving work will start in August and will take about 3 weeks. The majority of the joint work will occur in September. The project is expected to be completed in late fall. Traffic Impacts The high traffic volumes on I-205 require that all lanes be open without restrictions during daytime hours. Closing the lanes during the day would create backup and serious safety concerns. As a result, most work will take place during nighttime work hours from 8 p.m. to 5 a.m. when traffic volumes are lower. Motorists can expect multiple lane closures and on- and off-ramp closures along the Abernethy Bridge. The contractor will work in one direction at a time. ODOT determined that the work on the Abernethy Bridge should precede the 24-month closure of the OR 43 Willamette River Bridge (the historic arch bridge linking Oregon City and West Linn) for rehabilitation. The I-205 Bridge is the designated detour route during the arch bridge project. Detours During ramp closures on Exit 8, detoured traffic will be sent to the 10th Street interchange (Exit 6) and the Gladstone interchange (Exit 11). Nighttime Noise Nighttime construction noise may be audible to residents living along the project corridor. It is ODOT's intention to keep those nearest the work notified of nighttime, noise-generating activities. A noise hot line phone number, 503-771-3370, is available for reporting noise problems or incidents requiring immediate attention. Project Website For more information: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/REGION1/I205_GABridge/index.shtml For weekly updates: http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/REGION1/WeeklyUpdate.shtml ODOT Contact Information ODOT Community Affairs Coordinator, Susan Hanson Phone: 503-731-3490 Email: Susan.C.Hanson@odot.state.or.us