Goal 5 Inventory
The City of West Linn’s Goal 5 project originated from a Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) Periodic Review requirement to inventory and protect West Linn’s Wetlands and Riparian Corridors. Owing to the importance that City residents place on preserving natural resources, the City Council extended the scope of our Goal 5 work to include the inventory and protection of additional resources such as Wildlife Habitats, Open Spaces, Natural Areas and Historic Resources. Professional consultants have been utilized when necessary to assist the City with the inventory and mapping processes as well as providing guidance for the City’s implementation strategies. The City Council has made adoption of the Goal 5 inventories a top priority. Over several years and after comprehensive public outreach efforts that included, neighborhood meetings, a city-wide open houses, and extensive public hearings; the City has adopted four Goal 5 resource plans. These include Natural Areas, Wetlands, Riparian Corridors, and Open Spaces. City Adoption of the remaining three resources are in process and are expected to be completed this year. Please see the “Status of Goal 5 Implementation Programs” chart for the most up-to-date status report. Any specific questions on the City’s Goal 5 Programs can be directed to John Williams, Community Development Director, 503-742-6063.