Closing of West Linn Paper Company a Loss to the Community

1929 Mill

The City of West Linn is saddened to learn about the closing of West Linn Paper Company, the City’s largest and oldest employer. Through 128 years of operation the West Linn Paper Company has contributed significantly to the rich history of the City; the loss of this business will certainly be felt.

“The West Linn Paper Company has been a mainstay in the City and I am deeply saddened the company is closing,” said West Linn Mayor Russ Axelrod. “My sympathies are with the employees of the company and their families. The City will work with the West Linn Paper Company to lessen any hardships in any way possible.”

The City of West Linn will continue to move forward with the owners of this property, and many other stakeholders, on West Linn’s Waterfront Plan, which will develop a vision and master plan for more than two miles of land along the Willamette River.
