City of West Linn Closures Due to Coronavirus


March 16th, 2020 

West Linn, OR - In accordance with the latest public health guidance released today, and to best proactively protect the health of our community, the City of West Linn has decided to close most City buildings and programming to the public until April 1st, effective immediately. Building closures now include City Hall, Library, Adult Community Center, McLean House, Robinwood Station, and Sunset Fire Hall. The Community Room at the Police Department and park athletic fields used by organized groups and leagues are also closed to the public.

City staff will be working and operations will otherwise generally continue with precautionary guidance measures in place. We remain committed to serving our residents, but continue to ask you to reach out to us electronically by phone, email, or through our various online support platforms.

Please check our primary coronavirus webpage for closure details, frequent updates and ways to connect with us by phone or online: Consider bookmarking this page as it is our primary clearinghouse of information.

The City of West Linn continues to closely follow guidance from Clackamas County Public Health, the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), and the CDC to protect the public health during the current coronavirus pandemic. Thank you for your patience and understanding of changes to City services as we are continually monitoring the situation and making adjustments to best respond for the health of our community and all of humanity.

Latest Guidance from Oregon's Governor (March 16)

Latest Guidance from the President and CDC (March 16)

Trustworthy sources of information:
Clackamas County
Oregon Health Authority
Centers for Disease Control
West Linn-Wilsonville School District COVID Info Page