Oppenlander Property

image of oppenlander field

Oppenlander Property Updates


February 25, 2025 - After careful consideration and extensive discussion, including public meetings on February 18 and February 25 which followed years of dialogue between City Council and community stakeholders, the City Council has decided not to pursue a new bond measure this May to cover the increased cost of purchasing the Oppenlander Property from the West Linn-Wilsonville School District. This unanimous decision comes after a serious consideration of the City’s present realities, including an uncertain economic climate, the very short timeline requested by the School District, and the increased asking price of $7.875 million—all of which must be responsibly weighed against the City’s many existing budget and Council priorities. Instead of a new bond measure, the City will actively pursue a compromise in the form of a public-private partnership (such as purchasing a portion of the property to remain a park rather than all ten acres).

Each member of Council spoke frankly—and at times, emotionally—to the community, emphasizing the difficulty of this decision. Many had their own personal or familial connections to the field. Councilor Leo Groner set the tone with his opening statement: “Everybody on this Council wants to keep Oppenlander. The question is how to do it thoughtfully.”

“This does not signal the end of our attempts to purchase Oppenlander,” Councilor Kevin Bonnington insisted. “This does not need to be the only answer.”

Mayor Rory Bialostosky expressed concern about previous bond measures for critical services that failed, such as the Abernethy Bridge pipeline from the 2022 ballot. “As mayor, I need to have reasonable confidence that the community would support a bond measure before putting it on the ballot, and I don’t have that confidence.”

Councilor Bryck shared the concerns about needed repairs to other basic infrastructure in West Linn: “Oppenlander would not mean as much if we don’t have water in our faucets.”

Council President Mary Baumgardner said, “We care about this property, and we care about all of you.” She added, “It’s not fair to ask taxpayers to pay developer prices. This is a conversation about wants, needs, and means."

 The City will not pursue an increased bond measure in May due to several key considerations:

  • Budget Constraints: The City’s budget is already allocated to critical basic services and infrastructure, but many capital needs are currently unfunded. Tens of millions of dollars are needed for drinking water lines, construction of sidewalks and safe crossings near schools, and replacement of existing aging park infrastructure.
  • Capital Improvements: The improvements necessary to make the Oppenlander property ADA accessible and usable (such as restrooms, parking, play structures, and pathways), could cost over $2.5 million. Time is too short to have a real community conversation about what type of improvements are desired and how to fund them.
  • Fiscal Sustainability: Annual maintenance and operation expenses of the property could cost over $110,000, with no identified funding source. This does not align with the City’s commitment to long-term fiscal sustainability. This would place a strain on future budgets and require the Parks Department to reduce maintenance and upkeep on existing parks.

The City recognizes the value of the Oppenlander Property stretches well beyond recreation; it has a special place in the community’s heart. This is why the City will thoroughly investigate public-private partnerships and any other creative idea that would keep at least some of this property in public ownership while keeping City costs limited to the already-approved $3.5 million.

The City has a duty to responsible stewardship of taxpayers’ resources and strives to make careful, informed, and at times difficult decisions, to ensure West Linn remains a vibrant and thriving community for generations to come.


January 22, 2025  The City of West Linn is disappointed that the West Linn-Wilsonville School Board immediately declined the offer of a joint public meeting to discuss the future of Oppenlander Fieldrefused to explore any alternative funding options proposed by the community, and is now insisting on a $7.875 million sale price for Oppenlander. Oppenlander is a community asset, and the City’s intention was to have a fully transparent and open conversation in which community stakeholders could be heard, and creative financing options could be identified.

Preparing a new bond measure is time-intensive—it involves public interest polling, extensive community engagement, examining changing capital improvement costs, accounting for the setting of facilities’ fees, and comparing costs with alternative options such as a public-private partnership, in addition to other procedural and legal requirements. Unfortunately, the School District has put the City in the position of having approximately one month before the County filing deadline of February 28, 2025 for a May 2025 bond measure, and has communicated that they would not accept a November 2025 bond measure. The District’s new firm selling price of $7.875 million is far above the $3.5 million approved by voters in May of 2022 to purchase the property and make capital improvements.

The City Council maintains that the community deserves a voice in this matter, including presenting viable financing options. The City Council intends to move forward with the proposed February public meeting discussing Oppenlander so that they may hear directly from the public and identify ways to move forward. Time and date details will be posted to the City’s calendar.


January 15, 2025 Today the City of West Linn invited the West Linn-Wilsonville School Board to a joint public meeting for a collaborative and open discussion about potential resolutions regarding the Oppenlander Field property. The City is committed to moving forward and ending the past conflict by resolving this matter outside of the courts, as efficiently, and with the least expense, as possible. 

Oppenlander Field is a longstanding community asset; therefore, the City believes that the community should also be a part of the conversation. If the School District accepts, the joint public meeting will ensure transparency while providing the most efficient way for both parties to get together, understand the School District’s expedited timeline, clarify any uncertainties surrounding price and terms, and collaborate to reach a consensus expediently. Read the full invitation from Mayor Bialostosky here.

Proposed meeting dates are January 30, February 3, 11, or 18 at 6 pm, but the City welcomes suggestions from the District regarding a final agenda or alternative meeting dates. The West Linn City Council remains eager to work with the School Board to reach a positive outcome that is in the best interests of the City and District’s joint constituents.

For more information about the history of Oppenlander Field, browse the documentation below. The City Council welcomes questions and feedback at citycouncil@westlinnoregon.gov.


August 23, 2024 – On Friday, a Clackamas County Circuit Court jury ruled that the original purchase and sale agreement entered into by the West Linn-Wilsonville School District and the City of West Linn regarding Oppenlander field is not legally binding.

“We did our best to uphold both the votes of the West Linn residents who clearly expressed a desire to preserve Oppenlander as a park and our contractual obligations under the Purchase and Sale Agreement,” said Mayor Rory Bialostosky. “While disappointing, I respect the decision of the jury and appreciate their attention to the case.”

The City is grateful for the School District’s collaboration on many shared efforts, including school safety, library and parks programs, and public works projects. The City looks forward to continued partnership with the School District to enhance and enrich the community. 


August 9, 2024 -- The City is pleased to announce the Oregon Supreme Court agreed there is insufficient evidence of actual bias among West Linn residents to justify the blanket exclusion of the entire community from the Oppenlander field trial. They have reversed the Clackamas County Circuit Court's decision. The trial will begin as scheduled on Monday, August 12.


August 8, 2024 – On July 31, 2024, the Clackamas County Circuit Court ruled that West Linn residents would be excluded from the jury pool in the upcoming Oppenlander property trial, West Linn-Wilsonville School District v. the City of West Linn. Although the West Linn-Wilsonville School District serves both West Linn and Wilsonville residents, Wilsonville residents will not be excluded from the jury pool. 

In the ruling, the Court found that residents of West Linn (and Lake Oswego) are different from residents of “less prestigious municipalities” and would be unable to view this case fairly. The City of West Linn disagrees with the Court’s claims that “everyone” who resides in West Linn is so proud to live there, they must be indisputably biased in favor of their City government. The Court has deprived an entire community of the right to participate in jury service based on the assumption that living in West Linn is “something to brag about,” and “inspires a level of loyalty in residents that becomes part of their identity,” and therefore makes residents incapable of objectivity. This is an extraordinary claim. 

The City challenged the decision by submitting a motion for reconsideration on Tuesday, August 6. The Court denied the motion on Wednesday, August 7. On August 8, the City submitted a petition for mandamus and an emergency motion to stay to the Oregon Supreme Court. If accepted, this would pause court proceedings to allow further challenges to the jury exclusion decision in an effort to avoid a mistrial. 

The trial, scheduled to begin Monday, August 12, is the result of a disagreement between the City and School District over the contracted sale price of the Oppenlander property, a 10-acre green space located off Rosemont Road in West Linn. Owned by the School District since the seventies, the property had been used as a community park for decades by youth sports teams and families. In 2021, the School District declared it surplus land and moved to sell. Community members expressed concern that a developer would build on the land.  

West Linn residents petitioned both the District and the City for the City to buy the property so it can remain a park. In January of 2022, the City and School District agreed to a purchase and sale contract for a price to be determined by a joint appraiser. Both parties agreed the valuation would be predicated on the property only being used as a park.  Under the agreed-upon park use restriction, the appraiser valued the land at $120,000. The School District immediately argued the price was too low and requested re-appraisal without the park use restriction. Because of the public’s specific desire to make the area an official park, the City could not accept. Voters passed a general obligation bond measure in May of 2022 committing up to $3.5 million in public funds for the purchase and needed improvements to the property. The School District has sued the City in an attempt to void the contract. The City regrets that both parties have been unable to come to a fair settlement despite multiple attempts.  

Whether owned by the City or the School District, the Oppenlander property has a long history as public land beloved by the people of West Linn. They deserve the same opportunity as Wilsonville residents to have a voice at this trial. 


Oppenlander Property September 2023 Update

West Linn voters passed Measure 3-582 in May 2022 (with 66.57% "Yes" votes tallied) to issue up to $3.5M in general obligation bonds to purchase the Oppenlander Property from the West Linn-Wilsonville School District as a City-owned park and construct parks capital improvements. The 10 acre property is located at 1275 Rosemont Road (map), and includes three ballfield areas primarily used by local youth sports groups. Election results can be found on Clackamas County's May 17, 2022 election page. 

Following passage of the May 2022 Bond Measure to purchase the Oppenlander Property as a City Park, the City of West Linn and the West Linn-Wilsonville School District have engaged in litigation regarding the Oppenlander Property on Rosemont Road. The District has filed a complaint in Clackamas County Circuit Court seeking to have the approved Purchase and Sale Agreement (details below) for the Property terminated, stating that a 2021 joint appraisal of the Property for $120,000 is invalid. The City filed a motion for summary judgment in an effort to resolve the issue without the expense of a trial, however this motion was denied in March 2023 by a Clackamas County Judge. Summary judgment allows for a decision to be reached without a formal trial if it can be established there are no genuine issues of material fact in dispute and the filing party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law. The Judge reviewed documents, heard briefings and oral arguments from both parties and determined that questions of material fact exist and denied the City's motion for summary judgement.

The issue was scheduled to go to a jury trial in June 2023, but Clackamas County Circuit Court has notified us that the soonest a trial can be held is August 2024. We will continue to look for opportunities to reach agreement with the School District outside of Court proceedings before then. 


Background Information and Documents

Public Survey 

We asked the community to share their thoughts regarding potential City purchase of the Oppenlander Property as a park and what types of park improvements may be of interest. This survey closed on November 11, 2021. Input was shared with the Council for their November 15th, 2021 meeting.  You can find the results of the survey in the Council's November 15 agenda packet.

Purchase and Sale Agreement 

Council approved the formal Oppenlander purchase and sale agreement with the West-Linn Wilsonville School District at their December 13, 2021 meeting (agreement information). This document implements Council's previous agreement with the District, including the following key elements:  

  • Purchase price will be determined based on a new market appraisal. The property was previously appraised at $6.5 Million earlier in 2021 based on unrestricted use under current residential zoning. The new appraisal came in at $120,000 with the park land restriction (designation as a park under Chapter XI of the West Linn City Charter).
  • If voters do not approve the purchase, the sale contract will be terminated at no penalty to the City and the District will be free to work with other potential buyers. 
  • If voters do approve the purchase, closing would occur by the end of November 2022.
  • If voters do approve the purchase, the property will subsequently be formally designated as a park under Chapter XI of the West Linn City Charter, ensuring it is not used for other purposes without voter approval.  


  • The West Linn Wilsonville School District Board held a special meeting on February 4, 2022 to discuss the status of the Oppenlander Property. 
  • City Council discussed the Oppenlander Property at their meeting on Monday, February 7th. The City Council gave direction to work together with the School Board to determine what the final valuation should be so that voters can decide whether the City will purchase the property.
  • The West Linn Wilsonville School District held a special meeting on February 9, 2022 to discuss Oppenlander. The School Board passed a resolution at this meeting requesting renegotiation of the purchase and sale agreement with removal of the park designation and agreeing to sell to the City at the April 2021 $6.5M appraisal price. 
  • City Council met on February 14th to respond to the School Board's proposal and review a Resolution and documents related to the ballot measure for the Oppenlander Property, the agenda and related documents are available here.  At this meeting the City Council passed Resolution 2022-04, calling a measure election to submit to the electors of the City the question of authorizing up to $3.5M of general obligation bonds to finance purchase of property for parks purposes and capital park improvements. The general obligation bonds result in the West Linn property tax levy rate increasing by an estimated 5 cents per thousand dollars of assessed value or an approximately $20 per year annual property tax increase for the average homeowner in West Linn with an assessed (not real market) value of $386,000.