City Council


Council Special Meeting

Rosemont Ridge Feedback Presentation 

Ordinance 1622 Community Development Code Amendments: Regulatory Streamlining Project 

Ordinance 1624 Municipal and Development Code Amendments regarding Chickens in Residential Zones

Ordinance 1626 Community Development Code Amendment regarding Paths and Trails greater than 200-Feet

Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Project Update

Utility Advisory Board Water Rate Recommendation

City Council Special Meeting

Introductions and welcome new members Mike Lindner and Erik Simshauser

Review of Mid-Biennium Update

Recommendations of Community Grant Requests

Review of Annual Updates to Master Fees & Charges

Financial Software Acquisition Contract

Community Development Code Water Resource Area Updates

05/19/2014 City Council meeting

The city council delved into two vastly different issues during its May 19 special meeting: finance software and water resource areas.

Financial software

In its first course of action, the city council unanimously authorized the city manager to enter into a contract for new financial software.

City Council recap of May 5 work session

The West Linn City Council tackled a wide variety of issues during its May 5 work session at city hall. The evening’s agenda included an update on the Stafford Hamlet, a discussion on water resource areas, as well as talk about revising the city’s annexation policy.

Stafford Hamlet update

Two representatives from the Stafford Hamlet paid a visit to the city council – Rick Cook and Thane Eddington. They told councilors the hamlet board is still working on planning the hamlet’s future and wishes to keep communications open with surrounding communities.

City Council Meeting

If I Were Mayor Presentations; National Preservation Month Proclamation

February 24, March 17 and March 31, 2014, Draft Notes Approval 

Clackamas County Juvenile Diversion Intergovernmental Agreement

Adopt the Planning Docket

Community Development Code Amendments: Regulatory Streamlining Project 

Contract Award: Santa Anita/Rosemont Signal 

Contract Award: Bland Pump Station 

Resolution 2014-05, Adjusting Rates for Solid Waste Collection and Recycling Drop Box Service

Council Work Session

Stafford Hamlet Update

Water Resource Area Discussion

Annexation Policy Discussion

City Council recap of April 21 meeting and work session

From parking lots to the police station to chickens, the city council worked through a lot of code, processes and procedures during a special meeting and work session April 21.

Code enforcement

First on the agenda was the approval of an ordinance that modifies the variety of appeals processes in the city and makes them uniform.

The council already discussed this topic twice, most recently at an April 7 work session. The result of the ordinance amends numerous sections of code that refer to the appeals process and changes the word “infraction” to “violation.”

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

City Council recap of April 14 regular meeting

The city council heard lots of ideas from a range of sources — from kids to professionals — during its regular meeting April 14. The agenda included several presentations as well as a vote on a medical marijuana dispensary moratorium.
