City Council


City Council Special Meeting

Swearing in Ceremony; Russ Axelrod, Mayor

Council Declaration of Vacancy

Resolution 2015-12, Supporting Willamette Falls National Heritage Area

City Council Meeting

Fair Court Proclamations

Police Department Awards

Rosemont Ridge Economic Summit Presentations

May 11 and May 18, 2015, Draft Notes Approval

Resolution 2015-13, Certify Election Results

Special Counsel Services Contract

Discussion of Council Vacancy

Budget Actions

Resolution 2015-07, Electing to Receive State Revenue Sharing Funds

Resolution 2015-08, State Shared Revenue Certification

Resolution 2015-09, Approve Master Fees Schedule

Resolution 2015-10, Approve 2016-2017 Biennial Budget

City Council Work Session

Greater Portland Inc.

Legislative Update

Youth Advisory Group Update

2015 Road Program/Sidewalk Maintenance

Cascade Plaza Fountain

Oregon City Construction Excise Tax Grant Letter of Support

City Council Meeting

April 13, 2015, Draft Notes Approval

Clackamas County Youth Work Crew Project IGA

Robinwood Fire Station

Stafford Reserve Designation

Grant for Grad Night Party

Resolution 2015-06, Park System Development Charge Project List

AP-14-02 Design Review and ZC-14-02 Historic District Removal for 1344 - 14th Street

Citizens' Budget Committee Meeting

Election of Chair and Vice Chair

Budget Presentation by Fund

Budget Overview

Tab-by-Tab Overview  of Materials in Budget Binders

State Revenue Sharing

Staff Presentation on Projected Amounts and Proposed Uses

Discussion of Issues and Options - Discretionary Monies Available for Projects

Citizens' Budget Committee Meeting and City Council Work Session

Distribute 2016-2017 Proposed Budget to the Citizens’ Budget Committee Members

Presentation of City Manager’s Budget Message

Announcement of next Citizens’ Budget Committee Meeting Dates: Monday, May 4 at 6:00 pm in Council Chambers and Wednesday, May 6 at 6:00 pm in the West Linn Library Community Room

Emergency Operations Overview

Medical Marijuana Moratorium Update

Robinwood Fire Station

Street Signage Code