City Council


08/11/2014 City Council Meeting

The Aug. 11 regular city council meeting was off to a festive start with a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new police station. After the ceremony, the city council convened in the police station community room.

The meeting started with a presentation from Greg Fitzgerald with Clackamas Community College who spoke about the college’s upcoming bond measure on the November ballot.  Mayor John Kovash also presented two finance awards to Finance Director Richard Seals.

City Council Special Meeting

Support for Metro Budget Amendment

08/04/2014 City Council Work Session

With transportation always a city council priority, the Aug. 4 work session looked at a variety of modes, include mass transit and trails – along with a neighborhood association merger and sustainability.

TriMet Southwest Transit Enhancement Plan

The evening started with a presentation on transit and access to transit by TriMet planner Tom Mills.

Trimet is currently working on its Southwest Service Enhancement Plan that includes West Linn, Tigard, Lake Oswego, Tualatin, Southwest Portland, Durham and King City.

07/14/2014 City Council Meeting

From princesses to water to annexations, the city council dealt with a broad array of issues during its July 14 regular meeting.

2014 Old Time Fair Proclamation

Mayor John Kovash read a proclamation thanking last year’s Old Time Fair Queen Celia Lawrence as well as a proclamation honoring and congratulating this year’s princesses, Amber Woods, Katie Williams, McKenna Wright and Megan Talbert.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

07/07/2014 City Council work session

The July 7 joint city council and planning commission meeting was an exciting one as members received a progress report on the planning for the Arch Bridge and Bolton areas in West Linn.

Start of a vision

The city kicked off the 10-20 year visioning project with the city council on Jan. 27. The project is being guided by an advisory committee comprised of various community members that will meet throughout the year. A technical committee with staff from various agencies is also providing input and guidance.

City Council Special Meeting/Work Session

October 13, 2014, Draft Notes Approval

Resolution 2014-16, Extending Cable Television Services Agreement with Comcast

West Linn/Wilsonville School District’s Appeal

Arch Bridge Master Plan Discussion

Ordinance 1635, Amending the Community Development Code to Make Consistent with the Oregon Revised Statues and Oregon Administrative Rules Discussion

Ordinance 1636, Amending the Community Development Code to Define Tract, Lot, and Parcel

City Council Meeting

October 13, 2014, Draft Notes Approval

Approve Hearing Rules

Ordinance 1634, Increase Commercial Roadway Maintenance Fees *Public Hearing*

Ordinance 1632, Approval of the Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue Fire Prevention Code

Declaration of Surplus Property at 4979 Summit Street

Ordinance 1633, Amending the Community Development Code

City Council Work Session

Hearing Procedures

City Council Meeting

Lisia Farley – LOC Civic Education Award; Cartegraph Presentation; Metro Councilor Carlotta Collette Metro Update; Sandy Carter Willamette Falls Update

September 8, and October 1, 2014, Draft Notes Approval

Amendment to the State of Oregon Intergovernmental Agreement for Disposal of Surplus Equipment

Oregon Department of Transportation Intergovernmental Agreement for Update to 2008 Transportation System Plan

City Council Work Session

Joint Meeting Planning Commission: Arch Bridge Process Update; Climate Smart Communities

Council Goals Update