City Council


City Council Work Session

Lake Oswego-Tigard Project Update

Fire Prevention/Suppression on ODOT Land

Map Your Neighborhood

Advisory Board Work Plans

City Council Special Meeting

Bland Intertie Pump Station Contract Award 

Information Technology Management Consulting Services Intergovernmental Agreement 

Pacific Land Clearing Contract Second Addendum

Adopt Council Rules

Appoint Arch Bridge/Bolton Town Center Advisory Committee

DHM Survey Findings Presentation

Ordinance 1619, Regulation of Door-to-Door Solicitation and Business Licenses

Update on Transportation System Plan Outreach Efforts

Citizen Engagement 2020 Focus

Discussion on Commission for Citizen Involvement

Advisory Board Work Plans

City Council Meeting - Canceled

City Council Work Session

Metropolitan Area Communications Commission (MACC) Franchise/Comcast Agreement

South Fork Water Presentation

Update on Planned 2014 Street Maintenance

Discussion of Tri City Service District SDC Rates

City Council Meeting

Resolution 2014-03, Metropolitan Area Communications Commission (MACC) Franchise/Comcast Agreement 

Police Department Equitable Sharing Agreement

Adopt Council Rules

Appoint Arch Bridge/Bolton Town Center Advisory Committee

Resolution 2014-04, Partnering with the Clackamas Hardwood Forest Project

Award of Prosecuting Attorney Contract

City Council Meeting

Julie Parrish Urban Forest Initiative; Energy Trust Presentation

2014 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project

City of Portland Police Regional Justice Information Network Intergovernmental Agreement

Adopt Council Goals

Adopt Council Rules

Appoint South Fork Water Board Citizen Budget Member

Ordinance 1618, Amending West Linn Municipal Code Chapter 2.000 Seal Designated

Resolution 2014-01, Creating the Arch Bridge/Bolton Town Center Redevelopment Master Planning Committee

Arch Bridge Master Plan Consultation

Youth Leadership Academy Application

The application period is now closed.  We will announce selected participants at the December 16, 2013 Council meeting.

This is the online application for the West Linn Youth Leadership Academy.  Only students enrolled in grades 6, 7, or 8 can apply for this opportunity.  Adults should complete this application form.

Applications must be received by November 15, 2013 to be considered for the 2014 Leadership Academy.

Paper applications will not be accepted.

Leadership Academy Application

The application period is now closed.  We will announce selected participants at the December 16, 2013 Council meeting.

This is the online application for the West Linn Leadership Academy.  Middle school students interested in the Youth Leadership Academy should complete this application form.

Applications must be received by November 15, 2013 to be considered for the 2014 Leadership Academy.

Paper applications will not be accepted.

City Council Meeting

Council Liaisons to Citizen Advisory Boards; Sale of Surplus City Real Property; Pacific Business Systems Contract Award; Tree Protection Easement at 960 Dollar Street; Tree Protection Easement on Bland Circle Development