Mayor Axelrod Selected as Locks Commission Chair

On May 2, Mayor Russ Axelrod was selected to chair the Willamette Falls Locks Commission, and Clackamas County Commissioner Martha Schrader and West Linn Resident Sandy Carter were named co-vice chairs. Gov. Kate Brown appointed Axelrod and 22 other individuals to the Commission to oversee the potential recommissioning of the Willamette Falls Locks.

The Commission will work to advise state, local and regional stakeholders on the development and implementation of policies relating to the repair, reopening, operation and maintenance of the Willamette Falls navigation canal and Locks. The Commission will also oversee transfer of ownership from the Corps, as well as the operation and financing of the navigation canal and Locks.
“This truly is the last opportunity to determine if the Locks will be part of the Willamette River’s future,” Axelrod said. “Repairing and reopening the Locks to river users has the potential to significantly impact local redevelopment and other communities along the river. I am very excited about the challenge before us and the opportunity to participate on this Commission, and I’m confident that we will be most successful in carrying out the Governor’s directive.”