City Council Special Meeting

Calendar Date:
Monday, March 30, 2020 - 3:00pm

We are currently holding virtual Council meetings due to our desire to support social distancing, and in accordance with Governor Brown's "Stay Home, Save Lives" order. We are excited to announce eComments, a way to provide written or verbal comments to City Council from the comfort of your home.

To provide public comment please go to our eComment page here. You are welcome to provide written comments on this page by clicking the "Comment" link adjacent to the agenda topic you are interested in, including the general "Public Comment" agenda item if you wish to provide comment on a topic not on the agenda. Council also still welcomes comments by email to

If you wish to speak at the meeting by videoconferencing software or by phone please send an email to requesting such, along with details on which agenda topic you wish to speak on, by noon on Monday and you will be provided sign in information. We may change this process as we further implement and improve the system.

We appreciate your patience and flexibility as we work through the details of this new system.