City Council Meeting

Calendar Date:
Monday, November 24, 2008 - 6:00pm

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL MEETING __________________________________________________________________________ Monday November 24, 2008 6:00pm – City Council Work Session Rosemont 6:30pm - City Council Meeting Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING 6:00PM - REGULAR WORK SESSION TO FOLLOW! 1. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance 2. Proclamations, Recognitions and Presentations 3. Community Comments (30 Minutes) The council President will call for statements from citizens regarding issues related to City government, properly the subject of Council consideration and not issues on the agenda. Persons wishing to speak shall be allowed to do so only after completing forms provided in the foyer in advance of Community Comments. All remarks should be addressed to the City Council as a body. The City Council will not engage in discussion with those making comments. The time limit for each participant will be determined by the Mayor. 4. Consent Agenda Items appearing below are routine and will not be allotted individual hearing time. The items may be passed upon by the City Council in one blanket motion. Any City Council member may remove an item for discussion or questions by requesting such action prior to consideration. a. Agenda Bill – Approval of October 13, 2008 CC Meeting Minutes 08-11- 01 b. Agenda Bill - IGA with CCDRC and West Linn 08-11-02 5. Report from the City Manager 6. Business from the City Council 7. Business Meeting For items marked with a (X), the City Council expects to receive public testimony. All other items are expected to be for City Council discussion and decision only. Persons wishing to speak on agenda items shall be allowed to do so only after completing the forms provided in the foyer and returning them to the City Council prior to the item being called for discussion. A separate slip must be turned in for each item. The time limit for each participant is three (3 minutes, unless the Mayor decides prior to the item to allocate more or less time. a. Agenda Bill - Ordinance No. 1582 – Fair Commission 08-11-03 Repeal b. Agenda Bill - Ordinance No. 1583 – Creating a Municipal Court 08-11-04 of record c. Agenda Bill - Ordinance No.1581 – Amending Noise Ordinance 08-11-05 d. Agenda Bill - Resolution No. 08-45 – Bond Authorization 08-11-06 e. Agenda Bill - Resolution No. 08-47 – Utilities Rate Increase 08-11-07 f. Agenda Bill - Resolution No. 08-46 – Water Telemetry Repair 08-11-08 g. Agenda Bill - CDC Amendment – Final Platting 08-11-09 8. Adjournment For special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call City Hall 48 hours prior to the meeting date, 503-657-0331.