City Council


West Linn City Council joint work session with Lake Oswego, Tualatin, Wilsonville

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL JOINT WORK SESSION In conjunction with LAKE OSWEGO, TUALATIN, WILSONVILLE Topic: Stafford Basin Thursday December 11, 2008 6:00pm *Lake Oswego West End Building 4101 Kruse Way, Lake Oswego For special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call City Hall 48 hours prior to the meeting date, 503-657-0331 or TDD 503-657-7845

City Council Work Session

Monday December 1, 2008 6:00pm City Council Work Session Chambers _________________________________________________________________________ 1. 6:00 pm – Local Community Growth Aspirations Report to Metro 2. Agenda Review – December 8, 2008 3. Other Items 4. Executive Session (Council will meet in Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(a)) 5. Adjourned For special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call City Hall 48 hours prior to the meeting date, 503-657-0331 or TDD 503-657-7845  

City Council Meeting

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL MEETING __________________________________________________________________________ Monday November 24, 2008 6:00pm – City Council Work Session Rosemont 6:30pm - City Council Meeting Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ BUDGET COMMITTEE MEETING 6:00PM - REGULAR WORK SESSION TO FOLLOW! 1. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance 2. Proclamations, Recognitions and Presentations 3.

City Council Meeting

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL MEETING __________________________________________________________________________ Monday November 10, 2008 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Rosemont Room 6:30pm – City Council Meeting - Council Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance 2. Proclamations, Recognitions and Presentations a. Agenda Bill - Resolution - US Department of Peace 08-11-01 b. Presentation by the City's Auditors, Talbot, Karvola Warwick, LLp 3.

City Council Work Session

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION __________________________________________________________________________ Monday November 3, 2008 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. 6:00 pm – Tri City/CCSD IGA Presentation 2. Agenda Review 3. Other Items 4. Executive Session (Council will meet in Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(a)) 5.

City Council Meeting - CANCELLED

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL MEETING NO MEETING OCTOBER 27, 2008 If you have any questions please call Tina Lynch (503) 722.3430

City Council Work Session

City of West Linn City Council Work Session Monday October 20, 2008 6:00pm – SPECIAL MEETING - Council Chambers **Regular Work Session Immediately following in Council Chambers 1. 6:00pm a. Solid Waste Franchise b. Street Maintenance Programc. 2. Agenda Review 3. Other Items 4. Executive Session – Real Property Negotiations (Council will meet in Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660(2)(h) to consult with counsel concerning legal rights and duties regarding current litigation or litigation likely to be filed .) 5.

City Council Meeting

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL MEETING REVISED! ________________________________________________________________________ Monday October 13, 2008 5:30pm - City Council Executive Session Hidden Springs 6:00pm – City Council Work Session Rosemont Room 6:30pm – City Council Meeting Council Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance 2. Proclamations, Recognitions and Presentations 3.

City Council Work Session

City of West Linn City Council Work Session Monday October 6, 200 6:00pm – Work Session CC – Council Chambers 1. 6:00 Public Safety Advisory Board 2. 6:20 Resolution: US Dept of Peace 3. 6:30 Fair Commission Report 4. 6:50 a. Joint CC/PC Meeting – Transportation System Plan b. 10th Street Corridor IGA with ODOT c. Task Forces 5. Agenda Review 6. Other Items 7.

City Council Meeting

City of West Linn City Council Meeting Monday September 22, 2008 City Hall City Council Chambers 1. Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance 2. Proclamations, Recognitions and Presentations (a.) Presentation - Flagpole at Willamette Falls 3. Community Comments 4. Consent Agenda (a.) Agenda Bill 08-09-01 - Easement Acquisition - Willamette River 5. Report from the City Manager 6. Business from the City Council 7.
