City Council


City Council Meeting

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL MEETING __________________________________________________________________________ Monday May 11, 2009 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Rosemont 6:30pm – City Council Meeting - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ Proclamations, Recognitions and Presentations a. Proclamation – Cedaroak Primary School b. Proclamation - Take care of West Linn Day Consent Agenda a. Agenda Bill - 09-05-11A Tanner Basin Neighborhood Association Name Change b. Agenda Bill - 09-05-11B Resolution No.

Community Attitudes Survey

In February 2008, the City of West Linn worked with Campbell DeLong, Inc. on a "community attitudes" survey. The results of the survey can be viewed in the attachment to this web page.

City Council Work Session

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION _________________________________________________________________________ Monday May 4, 2009 - 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Work Session Items: a. Wastewater Partnership Agreement b. Parks and Recreation 5-year CIP c. Parks and Recreation Board Mission and Work Plan 2. Agenda Review 3. Other Items 4. Adjourned 5.

City Council Meeting

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL MEETING __________________________________________________________________________ Monday April 27, 2009 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Rosemont 6:30pm – City Council Meeting - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ Consent Agenda Items appearing below are routine and will not be allotted individual hearing time. The items may be passed upon by the City Council in one blanket motion. Any City Council member may remove an item for discussion or questions by requesting such action prior to consideration.

City Council Special Meeting - CANCELLATION

CANCELLED WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL/PARKS BOARD JOINT MEETING __________________________________________________________________________ Thursday April 23, 2009 - 6:00pm – Joint CC/Parks Board Meeting - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Meeting Items: a. Joint Parks Board/CC Meeting: Working effectively together 2. Agenda Review 3. Other Items 4. Adjourned For special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call City Hall 48 hours prior to the meeting date, 503-657-0331

City Council Work Session - CANCELLATION

CANCELLED WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION __________________________________________________________________________ Monday April 20, 2009 - 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Work Session Items: a. Parks and Recreation Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan b. Palomino Trail Discussion 2. Agenda Review 3. Other Items 4. Adjourned For special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call City Hall 48 hours prior to the meeting date, 503-657-0331

City Council Meeting

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL MEETING __________________________________________________________________________ Monday April 13, 2009 - 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Rosemont 6:30pm – City Council Meeting - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ Consent Agenda Items appearing below are routine and will not be allotted individual hearing time. The items may be passed upon by the City Council in one blanket motion. Any City Council member may remove an item for discussion or questions by requesting such action prior to consideration.

City Council Work Session

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION __________________________________________________________________________ Monday April 6, 2009 - 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Work Session Items: a. Future of Farmer’s Market b. Library IGA and Library Foundation c. Joint PC/CC meeting: Comp. Plan/CDC Priorities 2. Agenda ReviewM 3. Other Items 4.

City Council Meeting

1.) City Council review of the Planning Commission decision to approve the Holiday Inn Express at 2400 Willamette Falls Dr. 2.) Resolution No. 09-08 - Proposed Local Agency Agreement between the Oregon Department of Transportation and the City of West Linn for American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Funding For special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call City Hall 48 hours prior to the meeting date, 503-657-0331.  

City Council Meeting

Monday March 23, 2009 5:30pm – City Council Work Session - Rosemont 6:30pm - City Council Meeting - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ Proclamations, Recognitions and Presentations a. Proclamation: Arbor Week Consent Agenda Items appearing below are routine and will not be allotted individual hearing time. The items may be passed upon by the City Council in one blanket motion. Any City Council member may remove an item for discussion or questions by requesting such action prior to consideration. a.
