City Council


City Council Meeting

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL MEETING - REVISED __________________________________________________________________________ Monday July 13, 2009 5:45pm – City Council Work Session - Rosemont Room 6:30pm – City Council Meeting – Council Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ Consent Agenda a. Agenda Bill - 09-07-13A Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of – June 8, 2009 b. Agenda Bill - 09-07-13B Contract Award – Janitorial Services c.

City Council Work Session

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION __________________________________________________________________________ Monday July 6, 2009 6:00pm – City Council Work Session Council Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Work Session Items: a. City Attorney 2. Other Items 3. Agenda Review 4. Adjourned 5.

City Council Work Session

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION __________________________________________________________________________ Monday June 29, 2009 6:00pm – City Council Work Session Council Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Work Session Items: a. Noise Ordinance b. De novo vs. On the Record Appeal c. Temporary Signs 2. Other Items 3. Adjourned 4.

City Council Meeting

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL MEETING _________________________________________________________________________ Monday June 22, 2009 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Rosemont 6:30pm – City Council Meeting - Chambers _________________________________________________________________________ Proclamations, Recognitions and Presentations a. Proclamations (7) – 2009 West Linn Old Time Fair Court Consent Agenda a. Agenda Bill - 09-06-22A Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of – May 11, 2009 b.

City Council Meeting

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL MEETING __________________________________________________________________________ Monday June 8, 2009 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Rosemont 6:30pm – City Council Meeting - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ Consent Agenda a. Agenda Bill - 09-06-08A Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of – April 13, 2009 b. Agenda Bill - 09-06-08B Approval of Council Meeting Minutes of – April 27, 2009 c.

City Council Work Session

CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION __________________________________________________________________________ Monday June 15, 2009 - 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Work Session Items: a. Stafford Update b. Judge Compensation c. Banner Locations d. Temporary Sign Code e. Reivew of appointments to Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) 2. Agenda Review 3. Other Items 4. Adjourned 5.

City Council Special Meeting/Work Session

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING/WORK SESSION __________________________________________________________________________ Monday June 1, 2009 - 6:00pm – Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Special Meeting: a. PC Appointments 2. Work Session Items: a. Planning Commission Legislative Priorities b. Willamette Falls Television Request c. Agenda Review d. Other Items 3. Adjourned 4.

Joint City Council/Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue Board Meeting

WEST LINN JOINT MEETING CITY COUNCIL AND TVF&R Training Center 12400 SW Tonquin Road Sherwood, OR 97140 __________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday May 26, 2009 6:00pm – TVF&R Training Center __________________________________________________________________________ 1.

City Council Interviews for Planning Commission Vacancy

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL Planning Commission Candidate Interviews __________________________________________________________________________ Thursday May 28, 2009 - 6:00pm – Rosemont Room __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Executive Session (Council will meet in Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2) 2. Interview Candidates: Alec J.

City Council Special Meeting

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL Special Meeting __________________________________________________________________________ Tuesday May 19, 2009 6:00pm – City Council Special Meeting - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. Public Hearing continued from May 11, 2009: Consolidated Public hearing – Holiday Inn Express – CUP-09-01 Conditional Use Permit - Holiday Inn Express – AP-09-02 Continuation of Application 2.
