City Council


City Council Meeting

Monday January 26, 2009 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Rosemont 6:30pm – City Council Meeting - Chambers _________________________________________________________________________ 4. Consent Agenda Items appearing below are routine and will not be allotted individual hearing time. The items may be passed upon by the City Council in one blanket motion. Any City Council member may remove an item for discussion or questions by requesting such action prior to consideration. **Nothing on Consent Agenda at this time 7.

City Council Work Session

Tuesday January 20, 2009 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 1. 6:00 pm – a. Storm Response debrief b. Local aspirations – 20min. status report 2. Agenda Review 3. Other Items 4. Executive Session (Council will meet in Executive Session pursuant to ORS 192.660 (2)(a)) 5.

City Council Work Session - CANCELLED

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION __________________________________________________________________________ Monday December 15, 2008 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Chambers _________________________________________________________________________ 1.

Sunset Neighborhood Plan

Adopted Sunset Neighborhood Plan

City Council Meeting

January 12, 2009 6:00pm – City Council Work Session Rosemont 6:30pm – City Council Meeting Chambers __________________________________________________________________________ 4. Consent Agenda Items appearing below are routine and will not be allotted individual hearing time. The items may be passed upon by the City Council in one blanket motion. Any City Council member may remove an item for discussion or questions by requesting such action prior to consideration. a. Agenda Bill - 09-01-12A Newspapers of Record 6. Business from the City Council a.

City Council Swearing In

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL SWEARING IN _________________________________________________________________________ January 5, 2009 6:00pm Council Chambers

City Council Meeting

December 8, 2008 6:00pm – City Council Work Session - Rosemont Room 6:30pm – City Council Meeting - Council Chambers Consent Agenda Items appearing below are routine and will not be allotted individual hearing time. The items may be passed upon by the City Council in one blanket motion. Any City Council member may remove an item for discussion or questions by requesting such action prior to consideration. a.

City Council Meeting

4. Consent Agenda Items appearing below are routine and will not be allotted individual hearing time. The items may be passed upon by the City Council in one blanket motion. Any City Council member may remove an item for discussion or questions by requesting such action prior to consideration. ***Approval of minutes for City closure on Monday December 22, 2008*** a. Agenda Bill - 08-12-01 Approval of November 10, 2008 Council Minutes b. Agenda Bill - 08-12-02 Approval of November 24, 2008 Council Minutes c.

City Council Meeting

Tentative Agenda • Brief Introduction • How will we work together? • Goals • Nuts and Bolts of Council meetings • “Executive Session” For special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call City Hall 48 hours prior to the meeting date, 503-657-0331 or TDD 503-657-7845.

West Linn City Council joint work session with Lake Oswego, Tualatin, Wilsonville

WEST LINN CITY COUNCIL JOINT WORK SESSION In conjunction with LAKE OSWEGO, TUALATIN, WILSONVILLE Topic: Stafford Basin Thursday December 11, 2008 6:00pm *Lake Oswego West End Building 4101 Kruse Way, Lake Oswego For special assistance under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please call City Hall 48 hours prior to the meeting date, 503-657-0331 or TDD 503-657-7845
