Neighborhood Associations

Neighborhood Associations banner showing people riding bikes and cleaning a park

Neighborhood Associations (NAs) are a vital part of West Linn, bringing neighbors together to shape the future of their communities. Unlike private homeowners associations (HOAs), NAs are open, volunteer-driven groups that foster connection, collaboration, and meaningful civic engagement. With eleven NAs across the city, residents, property owners, and local businesses have the opportunity to get involved, share ideas, and make a real impact on neighborhood livability.  Anyone who lives or owns a business within an NA's boundaries is eligible to join. Join your NA today and be a voice for your community!

Neighborhood associations vs. HOmeowners associations

An HOA is formed by a developer and pertains to a specific subdivision or project. The association provides the framework for the future maintenance of the development’s common grounds and amenities (for instance, a pool). In West Linn, HOAs don’t have any formal relationships with the City government. A Neighborhood Association, on the other hand, is a section of a city with a common identity. NAs offer a place to meet friends, exchange information, create projects and priorities, propose solutions, and have fun. NAs are one of the recognized channels for community participation in West Linn. The City encourages community members to be involved in the decisions that affect the health and quality of their neighborhood.

why join your NA?
  • Information from the City on all issues (transportation, development, etc.) that may occur in their neighborhood.
  • Land use appeal fees are waived.
  • Become part of the City network that works together to create the type of community it wants.
  • May testify at public hearings with additional time limits not given to individuals.
  • The City helps inform members of upcoming neighborhood meetings.
  • Receives annual training from the City.
  • Are invited to pre-application conferences for projects occurring in their neighborhoods.
  • Receive an NA grant from the City and a debit card to use for NA expenses. The most current policy and procedure for making neighborhood grants was established by Resolution 2019-14.
find your NA

Find your NA using your address. Download a printable map of all NA boundaries here. Need individual maps of each NA? Visit our NA maps page.

New to the neighborhood? 

Check out the West Linn NA Booklet for useful tips about common procedures and practices. Read Chapter 2.100 of City code to learn more about the rules governing NAs.

Please send all NA meeting materials to for posting to the City website. Please email agendas at least 12 calendar days before the intended meeting date to provide staff enough lead time to accommodate unexpected workflow changes while still ensuring the public has a full week to access them. We are happy to try to fulfill requests on shorter notice whenever possible. Please email approved minutes within 45 days of approval for archiving. PDFs are strongly preferred.

If you need help with email access, new officer transitions, postcards, or anything else, please reach out to City Staff at