
Woman riding a bike

The use of fossil fuels for transportation is one of the greatest contributors to climate change. One of the easiest ways to reduce the use of fossil fuels is to transition to active transportation, or transportation options powered by electric energy that is generated by clean, renewable resources. The following sites offer ways to reduce the carbon footprint of your transportation and transition to more sustainable options that are healthier for you and the environment. 

Save time, save money, improve your health, help your community, and have fun!

Biking and walking are two great ways to access many destinations in West Linn. At a moderate pace it takes just 10 minutes to bike about 2 miles or walk a half mile. Your local school or neighborhod park are just a short bike ride or walk away.  Whether you are considering biking or walking for your health or the health of the environment, there are two easy ways to squeeze exercise into your day.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, just 30 minutes a day or moderate activity can dramatically improve and extend your life. The latest research shows that biking or walking instead of driving short distances has significant long-term health benefits.

By Bike:

  • Plan ahead and paln your own route, using Google's Bicycling option
  • Participate in the region's annual Bike Commute Challenge, alongside your co-workers
  • Consider purchasing an electric bike or scooter to power yourself up the beautiful hills in the West Linn community!

By Foot:

  • Learn about walking events and activities, and discover 50 treks in and around Portland and Vancouver at Metro’s Walk There
  • For more information on walking aceessiblity and program resources visit:

Public Transportation: