Sustainability Stats
In February of 2023 SAB members performed a baseline audit of the City's energy use. The report can be found in the document attached below.
In 2021, the West Linn City Council adopted the Amended Sustainable West Linn Strategic Plan as
prepared by the West Linn Sustainability Advisory Board. This plan outlined a series of goals that West
Linn should pursue to increase sustainability within the city, with a specific goal to reduce greenhouse
gas emissions in existing city facilities and operations by 80% by 2040. Pursuant to this, the West Linn
Sustainability Advisory Board has prepared an audit of the City’s emissions during the years 2020, 2021,
and 2022 to serve as a baseline against which these reductions targets can be measured.
Detailed are the emissions arising from the City’s facilities and operations from
three primary sources: those from electricity generation, the burning of natural gas, and the
consumption of liquid transportation fuels. All data was obtained through public records requests and is
included in the attached appendices. Emissions estimates are rounded to the nearest metric ton.
Learn more about Oregon's energy use and other sustainability statistics at this informative data tableau site built by one of our Sustainabilty Advisory Board members in 2023