Highway 43 Improvements

Project ID: 
Project Type:
Project Status: 
In Process
Project Budget: 
$2,200,000 - Bond Allocation for Mapleton Dr. to I-205 (Arbor Dr. to Hidden Springs $6,118.203 funded by State & Federal Grants and local match)
Project Manager: 
Erich Lais
Project Contact Information: 
Erich Lais elais@westlinnoregon.gov
Project Dates: 
Design of Arbor Dr. to Hidden Springs Rd. through Winter 2021 - Construction (Arbor Dr. to Hidden Springs Rd.) Spring 2021. Preliminary Design (Mapleton Dr. to I-205) Ongoing through GO Bond Funding period 2019-2021
Highway 43
Willamette Drive
West Linn, OR 97068

This project includes preliminary engineering design between Mapleton and I-205 as well as coordination with ODOT for final engineering and construction of Highway 43 multimodal improvements between Lake Oswego and Hidden Springs Rd. 

Coordination with Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) for improvements on Highway 43 between Lake Oswego/Arbor Drive and Hidden Springs Rd. includes bike and pedestrian improvements, intersection improvements at select locations, improved signal timing and transit access. This portion of the project is funded through a combination of grants including the State Transportation Improvment Project (STIP) and Regional Flexible Fund Allocation (RFFA), and a local match. 

Preliminary design between Mapleton Dr. and I-205 is funded through the City's local GO Bond and builds upon the design and construction already scheduled between Lake Oswego/Arbor Dr. and Hidden Springs Rd. 

This project's design component is supported by the City's Arterial Roadway Preliminary Design Project (PW-19-03) which is providing design for Highway 43 and Willamette Falls Drive (excluding the section between 16th St. and 10th St.).

Source Planning Documents:

Transportation System Plan (Pedestrian Plan, Bicycle Plan, Motor Vehicle Plan)

Highway 43 Concept Plan

Status Updates

OR-43 and Marylhurst Drive

11/21/24- ODOT is moving into the construction phase with this projects and more updates can be found on the ODOT project page: Here

3/12/24 - Final plans received for City review

OR-43 Design - Hidden Springs Rd. to I-205

1/25/2021 - Further design refinement and future construction is on hold pending access to additional funding sources as Metro's Get Moving Bond was not successful. 

11/17/2020 - Design is 30% substantially complete.  Areas surrounding the watefront are still under review and require further coordination with ODOT's planned I-205 work as well as the City's Waterfront Plan. 

9/17/2020 - City staff is awaiting results of the ballot measure which will go to voters on November 3, 2020.

8/10/2020 - On July 16, 2020 the Metro Council adopted the proposed Get Moving Corridor Projects which inlcude this section of Highway 43. More information on the bond measure can be found on Metro's website by clicking here.

7/01/2020 - City is actively advocating for inclusion of the project on Metro's 2020 Get Moving Bond Measure which will fund final design and construction of this portion of the corridor.

6/20/2020 - Draft designs under review.

5/15/2020 - Draft designs under review. 

3/23/2020 - Staff anticipates receiving 30% draft design by mid-April.

1/10/2020 - 10% design underway. This section of the corridor is being developed in coordination with the City's Arterial Design Project.

9/5/2019 - Site surveying is ongoing. Design of this section of the corridor is to begin at a later date yet to be determined. 

ODOT Design Coordination - Hidden Springs Rd & CedarOak Drive

June 2023 - The Hiddens Springs Cedar Oak project was shelved at the direction of City Council as right of way negotiations fell through.  Reduced scope included bike and ped improvements at Marylhurst intersection

9/8/2022 - The project at Hidden Springs/Cedar Oak and Marylhurst Drive (which started in earnest in 2018) continues to advance through the ODOT and federal grant process.  Design of the project was also temporarily halted for about a year due to the historic review of the house at the corner of Highway 43 and Marylhurst (which is currently used as a commercial law office).  ODOT is now restarting design with the right turn lane deleted. 

2/22/2021 - The City has received an updated IGA for ODOT ROW Services which extends the duration of the agreement. The IGA will be presented to Council for approval on 3/8/2021.

1/25/2021 - Project design is ongoing under purview of newly reduced scope of work. 

11/17/2020 - Project design has resumed with the updated and reduced scope approved. The reduced scope includes intersection and bike/ped improvements at Marylhurst, Cedaroak, and Hidden Springs. 

9/16/2020 - Project idesign is ongoingd with ROW/Utility work scheduled for completion in 2022 and construction planned for 2023.

07/01/2020 - Project is on hold pending Metro and ODOT scope change and design contract update. 

3/23/2020 - City staff, ODOT staff, and consultant continue to meet monthly to review and refine corridor design. The next design delivered to City staff is anticipated to be at 60% completeness.

1/13/2020 - Staff and ODOT have determined to reduce the scope of the original project in order to provide complete intersection and multimodal improvements at Cedaroak Dr., Hidden Springs Rd. and Marylhurst Dr. in order to stay within original budget. 

12/09/2019 - Staff continues to meet with ODOT regarding project scoping and costs. A detailed update will be provided at the 12/16/2019 City Council meeting. 

10/16/2019 - Staff met with ODOT for advanced scoping package that is intended to set footprint and key design decisions for the project.  

9/5/2019 - Staff continues to meet regularly with ODOT and project consultant on design and site surveying.

5/7/2019 - Project design schedule confirmed with ODOT's selected design consultant (Murraysmith, Inc.) and notice to proceed was issued on April 3rd. Design is anticipated to be finalized winter/spring 2021 with RFP for construction being issued Spring 2021.

02/20/2019 - ODOT's contract and scope of services is in legal review at ODOT. Once approved site surveying will begin. 

10/16/2018 - Contract negotiation with selected design consultant continues.

9/12/18 - The ODOT RFP Selection Committee chose MurraySmith as the design consultant and are in the process of negotiating the design contract.

2/12/2018 - Cooperative Maintenance Agreement for OR 43 Multimodal Improvements and IGA for State Delivered Project approved by City Council.

4/09/2018 - Final Project Charter Issued by ODOT

6/16/2018 - Mini-RFP for design services issued by ODOT with submission due by 2pm on July 10, 2018.

7/25/2018 - ODOT RFP Selection committee began preliminary review of submitted proposals.

08/06/2018 - ODOT/City of West Linn IGA for Right-of-Way Services approved by City Council


Disclaimer notice regarding the project information on this site: The City of West Linn is pleased to provide as much information as possible on our website for the benefit of the public. This information is updated by staff on a periodic (not daily) basis. However, please be aware of the following: The information on this site is not the official file of record and there may be additional project information in the file of record that is not posted on this site. The information on this site may not include the latest submittals or changes to an application. Interested parties are encouraged to call the City project manager with any inquiries on a project. The official file of record is kept in the City Department managing the project and is available for public review during regular office hours at City Hall located at 22500 Salamo Road, West Linn, Or 97068. Any questions related to any project should be directed to the project manager listed in the file, or by calling City Hall at 503-657-0331.