Residential Parking District Application

No parking without a permit sign example

A Residential Parking District was established by city ordinance in 1995 and revised most recently in 2017.

Only residents, WITH PERMITS, living within the designated parking district, are allowed to park on public streets within the parking district between 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., when school is in session.

Parking by non-residents is prohibited.

Officers will routinely patrol those streets. They will cite or tow vehicles that do not have the required decals or temporary permits displayed.

Applications to obtain residential parking permits are available through the West Linn Police Department either by mail, in person, or online.

Parking District Includes the following streets:
* Amy Street
* Broadway Street
* Buse Street
* Easy Street
* First Court Street
* K Street
* King Street
* Lewthwaite Street
* Terrace Drive
* West A Street (5645 - 6065)(East Side of Street) and (5820-6056)(West Side of Street)
* Webb Street
* Willson Street

Procedures and standards for the issuance of permanent and temporary permits are as follows.

All residents within the district upon their request will be issued:

  • Up to three decal permits to be affixed to the inside lower left rear window of the specific vehicle for which it was issued. The vehicle must be registered at your address.
  • One temporary permit (to be hung on the mirror inside the vehicle facing out) so visitors, friends, relatives, service providers can legally park on your street during restricted hours.
  • Guest permits are for persons only while visiting at your home.
  • The Residential Parking Permits are NOT for use by friends or relatives attending West Linn High School.
  • Proof of residency within the parking district is required.
  • Your Oregon Driver’s License and all vehicles for which a permit is requested must be registered to the residence address within the parking district.
  • The Residential Parking Permit Decals and temporary permits remain the property of the West Linn Police Department and their use may be revoked if improper use is demonstrated.
  • The permit decals are assigned to a specific vehicle by the police department and to be used only on that specific vehicle.

If you sell, trade, or give away a vehicle a permit has been issued to, REMOVE THE PERMIT and contact our office; so we can transfer the information of your new vehicle.

If you move from the district address, you must immediately return all permits; decal(s) and hangers to the police department.

If you need additional information, contact:

West Linn Police Department Records
1800 8th Avenue
503-655-6214, option "3"