City Council


City Council Meeting

Audit; Police Records Management Reporting Software Agreement; ORD 1666, Statutory Development Agreement, Tannler Properties 2410, 2922, 2444 Tannler Drive (Misc 17-09); ORD 1668, Vacating Willson Street Right-of-Way; ORD 1669, Repeal ORD 1548, Criminal History Record Check Policy; OR43 Multi-modal Transportation Project, Delivered Federal Project Agreement & Cooperative Maintenance Agreement

Meet and Greet with Councilor Perry

Take a moment to spend some time chatting with Councilor Brenda Perry. These informal meetings are your opportunity to get to know Councilor Perry and talk with her about topics that matter to you.

Councilor Cummings Open Office Hours: Cancelled

Councilor Teri Cummings will be available to meet with the public at the West Linn Library from 4:30 to 6 p.m. to answer questions, receive input and discuss topics of interest to community members. Everyone is welcome to come join in the discussions.

Talk with Teri

Councilor Teri Cummings will be available during "open office hours"  to meet with anyone who would like to discuss topics of interest with other community members at West Linn Library fireside room. 

Happy Hour with Council Cummings

Councilor Teri Cummings will be available during "open office hours"  to meet with anyone who would like to discuss topics of interest with other community members at McMenamins Pub.

2023 Annual Report Form

Community Advisory Groups and Neighborhood Associations are requested to complete this annual report form by December 20, 2023.  Neighborhood Associations are also required to provide a signed Declaration of Spending Form. Responses will be compiled and shared with the City Council and will be used to help guide goal Council priority setting in 2024.

Advisory Group/Neighborhood Association *
Please select your Advisory Group or Neighborhood Association.
Please indicate your group chair and vice chair, or president and officers.
Please indicate the recurring dates, times and locations of your meetings. Also include the total number of times your group met in 2023 (including planned meetings until the end of the year).
Please describe your group's accomplishments in 2023.
Please describe your group's challenges in 2023.
What issues do you think the Council should be thinking about as they go into their annual goalsetting session? Do you have recommendations about how the issues could be resolved? Council will take this advice into consideration as they prepare for goalsetting.
Provide the name of the form submitter
Applicable only to Neighborhood Associations receving grant funding. In accordance with the NA Grant Policy approved by Council, please provide a detailed accounting of grant spending in 2023 and information on planned spending for 2024 and into the future. Feel free to email separate attachments, if helpful, to

City Council Work Session

Old City Hall/PD Building
