City Council


City Council Work Session

Tabacco Retail Licensing; Neighborhood Association President's (NAP) Joint Meeting; NAP Bylaws; NA Stipend Allocation; Council Goals; Council Request Tracking Log; High School Parking

City Council Work Session

Happy Hour with the Mayor: RESCHEDULED TO 6/22

Join Mayor Russ Axelrod for happy hour. These informal meetings are an opportunity for you to get to know Mayor Axelrod and speak with him about subjects that matter to you.

The June 15 Happy Hour event has been rescheduled to next Friday, June 22. Please join the Mayor then!

City Council Meeting

Princess Proclamations; RES 2018-13 Certifying May 15, 2018 election; West Linn Refuse & Recycling Rate Increase; ODOT IGA Oregon Motor Carrier Safety Action Plan; Clackamas County Youth Project Payback IGA; ORD 1679 & ORD 1680 Establishing Zoning & Annexation of 2.53 Acres at 22864 Weatherhill Road; ORD 1681 & 1682 Establishing Zoning & Annexation of 22870 Weatherhill Road; ORD 1678 & 1683 Parks Master Plan Adoption, Comprehensive Plan Goals 2, 5, & 8, CDC Chapters 2 & 56; ORD 1674 Prohibiting Smoking; RES 2018-08 CCI Bylaws; RES 2018-14 Revising Master Fees

City Council Special Meeting

General Obligation Bond Project List