City Council


City Council Work Session

2018 Council Goals: 3rd Quarter; Principles for Civility in Public Discourse; High School Parking Status

Arts and Culture City Council Town Hall

Please join your City Council to learn how the City of West Linn has benefited from the local arts and culture community and how you can play a role in further creating arts and culture in our community. Public art matters because our communities gain cultural, social, health, and economic value through art in our public spaces.

City Council Executive Session

2018-2019 City Manager Performance Objectives

City Council Work Session

General Obligation (GO) Bond Project Status Report

City Council Work Session

Representative Julie Parrish; SMART Transit; Code of Conduct/Council Rules; CCI Recommendation on Land Use Process

City Council Meeting

American Public Works Association (APWA) Accredditation; Constitution Week Proclamation; Home Inventory Proclamation; ORD 1687 Library Advisory Board; RES 2018-20 Clackamas County Tobacco Retail License; Library District Master IGA; Fields Bridge Shelter

City Council Work Session

Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) I-205; Code of Conduct; Council Rules; City Facilities; Metro Housing; Stafford IGA