

Conversation Project: Housing and Belonging

Saturday, March 23, 1:00pm | Community Room

Housing and homelessness is a visible and divisive issue in local media, in politics, and across different communities within our state. Many of us were experiencing housing instability and economic uncertainty even during the "boom" times before the current crisis. This conversation led by Paul Susi will explore common assumptions and perspectives about the experience of houselessness/homelessness and seek to answer the question, How do we decide who "belongs" in our community?

Tween STEM Camp: 3D Printing Workshop

Wednesday, March 6 @ 4:00 PM

Create a 3D print with our teen techs!

CANCELED - Pages & Palettes

CANCELED - Wednesday, March 13th at 3pm

A showcase of books written and illustrated by our own West Linn High School students!

Living Streams: Stories for Healthy Watersheds

Wednesday March 7th at 1pm and 2pm

Join us for a lively, upbeat and participatory educational experience with Young Audiences Artist of the Year, and master teller of tales, Will Hornyak.

Library Closing Early at 4:30pm on 1/18

The library will close at 4:30pm on Thursday, January 18.

To see the status of other City facilities and road closures, visit the City's Winter Weather Preparedness and Resources page.

Clone of Public Art Around the Library

The library has several pieces of public art on permanent display.

Click any thumbnail image to view a slideshow

LINCC App Outage

December 2023: Our software provider has informed us that the LINCC Mobile app is currently nonfunctional and they don't expect the app to be up and running before March 2024. (Please note, Libby, our other app for accessing e-books, digital audiobooks, and e-magazines, is not affected by these issues. )

Learn to Knit for Adults Spring Series

Saturday, April 27th, May 25th, and June 22nd   |   Community Room   |   10 am - 12 pm   |   Registration Required 

In this class you will learn the basic knit & purl stitches, how to cast on for your project, and how to cast off.
