Review of Planning Commission Decision on Holiday Inn Express DR-08-01
This land use file on the City Council review of the Planning Commission decision on the Holiday Inn Express project located at 2400 Willamette Falls Drive now includes an updated March 31, 2009 memorandum on the application. City Council has called up for further review the Planning Commission decision for the Holiday Inn Express at 2400 Willamette Falls Drive. City council moved to deny Holiday Inn DR-08-01 on June 8, 2009 and corresponding file CUP-09-01; final decision available at: The full Planning Commission file is available at Addtional Conditional Use file is available is available at 2009-05-06 Staff memo regarding square footage calculations available: 2009-05-08 Staff memo with additional correspondence is available at: 2009-05-08 Staff memo regarding Council questions from work session is available at: 2009-05-11 Correspondence from Councilor Kovash available at: 2009-05-12 Staff Memo regarding Additional Correspondence Received on May 11, 2009 available at: 2009-05-12 Staff Memo with Applicant's Additional Economic Study Submittal at the May 11, 2009 Council meeting available at: 2009-05-18 Staff Memo to City Manager regarding supplemental information available at: 2009-05-18 Staff memo to City Manager regarding additional findings available at: 2009-05-18 Staff Memo with Additional Correspondence through 5:00 PM available at: 2009-06-01 Staff memo with Applicant Final Argument available at:
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