Public Works

Water Pipe Insurance Policies not Affiliated with the City of West Linn

The City of West Linn wants to remind our customers offers for water service line insurance are not associated with the City water system, nor does the City have any connection with any such insurance carrier.

On occasion, private companies send letters to residents offering a repair plan for the water service line extending from the resident’s house to the water distribution pipeline, which usually runs in the street in front of the house.

Water Boil Warning Information

If You Receive a Boil Water Notice:

What happened?

Usually, boil water notices are issued when an event causes the water system to lose pressure. Most pipe breaks are due to development or construction projects. There is a possibility that low water pressure inside the pipes could allow the water to be contaminated.

How will we let you know?

We will use some or all of the following notification methods, depending on the size of the affected area:

Utility Advisory Board Meeting

Please click here to review meeting information and agendas.  

Water Main Breaks

Please use the menu bar at the left of the screen.  You can view Water Main Breaks listed under the "Water Main Breaks" menu title.

Pavement Management Report


The Pavement Management Report for West Linn was completed in the Fall of 2020 with assistance from Capital Asset and Pavement Services. The Report summarizes findings of the state of the City of West Linn's street network, the likely state of the street network over the next five years, and what steps can be taken to improve the overall condition of the street network. You can access the 2020 report via the link below. 

Utility Advisory Board Meeting

1. Call to Order and Introductions 2. Update from Murray, Smith Associates on the Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership Project and implications to West Linn 3. Review/discussion of the Bolton Siting Analysis Report 4. Next Meeting September 17, Joint Work Session with City Council 6. Adjourn

Utility Advisory Board Meeting

1. Call to Order and Introductions 2. Approve the May 8, 2012; June 12, 2012 and July 10, 2012 Summary Notes 3. PGE Franchise 4. Water Rights 5. Issue relating to Lake Oswego-Tigard (LOT) 6. Adjournment

July 2012 Water Main Breaks at Old River Drive and Apollo Road

Two water main breaks in recent weeks have resulted in significant repairs to the West Linn water system.  Learn more about these projects and view videos and pictures below.

Old River Drive:
