City Council


City Council Meeting

October 14 and November 4, 2013 Draft Notes Approval; Willamette Historic Street Sign Grant Approval; Intergovernmental Cooperative Agreement for the Water System Intertie; Cooperative Agreement for Enhancement and Restoration Projects in Mary S. Young State Park; Cooperative Agreement for Joint Funding of Water System Improvements; Ordinance 1616 Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Partnership Franchise Agreement; Resolution 2013-19 Designating the Lake Oswego-Tigard Franchise Agreement Proceeds to the Bolton Reservoir Project

City Council Work Session

Leadership Academy Update; Economic Development Annual Report; Review of December 9, 2013, Agenda

City Council Work Session

Regulatory Streamlining Project; West Linn Seal Discussion; Review of October 14, 2013 Agenda

City Council Work Session

Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Treatment Plant Update; Utility Advisory Board Letter and Water Update; Municipal Code Chapter 2

City Council Meeting

Citizen and Police Commendations; One Willamette River Coalition Award; Historic Preservation Award; Gloria Drive Right-of-Way Vacation; Resolution 2013-16, Supporting the Cooperative Agreement with the Oregon State Marine Board for a Grant to Re-construct the Cedaroak Boat Ramp; Resolution 2013-17, Approve Master Fee Schedule Regarding Street Maintenance, Waste Water, and Surface Water Fees; Police Station Contract Award

City Council Meeting

Locks Update Presentation; Approve June 17, 2013, Meeting Notes; Ordinance 1614, Historic Code Amendments; Library Parking Lot Contract Award; Resolution 2013-15, Approve West Linn Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan